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Grocery Shopping is Faster and Easier with Shopper

photo grocery-shopping-is-faster-and-easier-with-shopper.pngImage recognition capability is an extremely useful aspect of mobile technology that many retailers have put to use thus far, and it has benefited many people.  This technology has many applications from something as basic as getting more information about an object to allowing consumers to compare prices between items in a store.  Shopper is an app from Slyce, a leading visual search provider for retailers and brands, that uses visual recognition searching to aid you while grocery shopping.  While the ability to scan barcodes has made it much easier for people to comparison shop, Shopper makes it easier by letting users add various items to their grocery shopping lists just by snapping their pictures.

The app’s use is so basic even a child can employ it, and it features mobile tech support for both Android and iOS.  All you need to do is snap photos with your smartphone or tablet of grocery items in your home, which Shopper immediately recognizes.  The technology employed is extremely accurate, returning close or exact matching product results for every search.

The app’s main aspect is its “Snap2Add” feature that begins with users taking photos of grocery products around their houses.  From there, you can use Shopper to add those items to your grocery shopping list, but that is not all you can do.  You can also use the app to look at product availability and pricing at nearby stores for every single item and provide recipe suggestions using any of them, and there is even a feature that links to coupon apps to give you coupons for any applicable things on your list.

Using Shopper, you can categorize everything exactly as you need to beginning with a list of what stores carry which items, if there is one or more that carry all of them, and price comparisons you can view for all of them together.  You can then categorize your items either alphabetically or under whatever headings you think apply best (“basics,” “fruit,” and “toiletries,” for instance).  You can add as many stores as you would like to, and the app will then pin each one’s location on a map.  All you need to keep in mind is that you should have access to a computer repair company that can handle the repair
needs of mobile devices to keep benefitting from Shopper’s service.

Shopping can be a time-consuming task, and particularly frustrating if you forget something or leave your list at home.  Snap2Add is a convenient way to build mobile lists that is quicker and appeals to those who never leave home without their smartphone.


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