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GoSoapBox Keeps Students Engaged in Learning

photo gosoapbox-keeps-students-engaged-in-learning.jpgWhile mobile tech devices serve as a distraction to many students in class, teachers can also use them to make lessons more interactive, engaging, and interesting.  Many schools are now implementing the use of tablets to do away with the old methods of tedious note-taking and uninvolved lecture.  With GoSoapBox, a student can simultaneously interact with the rest of his or her class in real time by participating with any Internet-connected device.  It is a web-based app that serves to encourage participation in study and engaging classroom discussion. Students can use it to post questions about a lecture, “vote up” questions their classmates have already submitted, let their teacher know when they are confused, and contribute to polls and questions posted by the teacher.

GoSoapBox’s classroom response system features mobile tech support for any tablet, allowing students to become more engaged in the classroom in different ways.  However, it is also accessible through a PC, laptop, or any other type of mobile device.  Ultimately, it helps students be less distracted and genuinely engaged in the material an educator is teaching.  The app helps teachers deal with natural classroom behaviors such as students indicating confusion and asking questions, simply making it less disruptive and less intimidating for everyone to participate while providing teachers with instantaneous helpful feedback.

GoSoapBox is a cloud-based system in which a teacher can set up a group, called a SoapBox, for students to join, each individually identified by a class code. Students do not need to sign up, login, or download anything, virtually eliminating Internet security concerns, and they only need the code for their particular session. Within each SoapBox, a teacher can allow students to access to all of the app’s features.  These include a “confusion barometer,” quizzes, polls, questions posed by the teacher, and a discussion board on which every student in the session can post.

Perhaps the most helpful feature to both teachers and student is the confusion barometer.  At any point, a student can show he or she does not understand something with one click. The professor can see if a large number of students do not understand a topic or if addressing it after class with a student or two would be more beneficial than taking time away from class.  Students can post a question at any point during the lecture, and the instructor as well as other students can answer the question. Students can vote on these questions and, the app automatically emails them to the instructor at the end of class to ensure they receive answers.  Teachers can also post a question or topic and have students answer them in a similar fashion to a discussion forum.  Students can anonymously answer polls, and teachers receive emailed results of quizzes after class.  GoSoapBox is an innovative use of technology to help teachers educate more effectively while keeping students engaged in learning.


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