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GooseChase Offers a Break from the Ordinary

photo GooseChase goosechase-offers-a-break-from-the-ordinary.jpgTeam-building exercises are common in today’s workplace as a proven way to reduce employee stress and increase productivity in the office.  These can include anything from more involved events such as weekend retreats to simpler exercises meant to build trust and get people to know each other better.  For those who do not work in an environment such as an office surrounded by others, work can still be stressful and daily routines can be tedious. Now, there is an app called GooseChase that applies technology to both team building and as a way of keeping things interesting in everyday life.  Its creators refer to it as a way to add some entertainment to your life without having to change your entire lifestyle.  It can serve to break up a monotonous workday and build comradery amongst employees, while completing just a few challenges can make everyday life that much more fun and interesting.

Simply put, GooseChase takes the concept of the scavenger hunt and applies technology to this time-honored form of entertainment.  It is accessible from any Internet-connected PC while featuring mobile tech support so that players can take part in the game as they should.  The process of creating a game is a simple one, and the app is free for personal use with corporate pricing available.  A user can easily determine how basic or complex the game will be and use the interface provided on the website to create it with a name, picture, and description.  He or she then assigns individual tasks worth specific point values, then decide how long the game will run and decide on a password so only people invited to the game can play.

While using a laptop may be feasible depending on the tasks required, playing from a tablet or more ideally a smartphone is preferable and obviously necessary when the need for laptop repair arises.  When creating a game, you can either choose from a list of popular tasks and goals the app provides, with helpful photos included, or choose to create any number of custom tasks.  When creating your own, you can include your own photos and even links for each.  Helpfully, everyone playing can keep track of every other team’s progress as it happens, and every photo a team takes to prove they have completed a task displays in real-time along with accompanying changes in rankings.  Players on opposing teams can even offer points for photos they find particularly interesting or funny.  Whether among friends and family or coworkers, it is easy to see how GooseChase offers users a break from the mundane.


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