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Get the Edge your Team Needs with SportsBoard

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No matter how successful a sports team is, there is always room for improvement, and it is important to continue upgrading whenever possible.  However, as teams are forced to deal with increasing demands on their budgets and coaches’ time, it can be quite difficult to do so.  Enter SportsBoard, a cloud-based app that provides solutions for recruiting, training camps and clinics, and other aspects of player development for amateur and college sports.  According to the app’s developers, it is “the only assessment solution that enables coaches to efficiently capture and distribute feedback to each athlete.”  This makes the app effective in evaluating players and their place on a team as well as finding players to recruit who would best fit with a team’s system and philosophy.

One thing SportsBoard does is help streamline the recruiting process by enabling teams to take scouting notes in place of the paper recruiting rosters used for tournaments. The digital notes help recruiters and coaching staffs evaluate their players, as well as easily upload information to Excel and similar programs online. SportsBoard goes beyond recruiting and works for training camps and in-season play.  It is an effective alternative to taking frantic notes on clipboards, jotting down plays and other data that might be added to spreadsheets after the game while trying to keep pace with what is happening at the time.  As a recruiting tool, it gives coaching staff greater access to more players.  Rather than going to tournaments and getting an information sheet on each individual player before watching them play, the information is all available before the game.  The app features tech support for any computer but is particularly useful for coaches to access on a mobile device while in the recruiting process, at training camp, or during a game.

SportsBoard is available for football, basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse and nine other college sports, enabling teams to recruit digitally as well as track scouting and development of all their players.  Coaches can customize their skills and stat data models, and the app simultaneously takes the place of spreadsheets, stat sheets on individual players, lineup and depth chart pages, and any other information sheets that could take up several binders’ worth of information.  Shot charts of courts and playing fields make it easy to follow a particular player’s scores and misses, and the information goes automatically into statistics sheets on SportsBoard’s server, where it can be shared by program coaches.  Coaches can also record performance videos for analysis that players can access almost immediately.  The app ensures Internet security for your important data by allowing you to back it up on company servers in the event of a crash or sync error.

Changes in technology allow for ideas to become actions and for coaches to build a winning team with the right pieces.  SportsBoard is an effective time-saving tool that allows teams to rely on innovative technologies for a competitive edge in player scouting and development.


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