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Farmplicity Makes Getting Locally Grown Ingredients Easy for Restaurants

photo Farmplicity
Finding fresh, locally grown ingredients can be a major obstacle for some restaurants.  Finding farmers and vendors who can deliver local ingredients isn’t always a simple process, but cool product in technology Farmplicity is aiming to make it easier.  Farmplicity collaborates with local farms in order to give restaurants an online marketplace where they can easily order locally grown ingredients.  Restaurants browse the Farmplicity marketplace on the company’s website and order ingredients as simply as if ordering from a site like eBay or Amazon.  Rather than spend large amounts of time and money establishing local connections, restaurants can use Farmplicity to order local food instantly with no extra hassle.

Ingredients on Farmplicity even have their own product pages.  These product pages include photos from the local farm, the product’s price, how many units are available and what delivery times are available.  Farmers also have their own profile pages on the Farmplicity site.  Restaurants can browse these profile pages in order to learn more about the farm, including its location and its farming practices.  With all the details about farmers and their ingredients available on the site, restaurants can make informed decisions about the ingredients they order with Farmplicity.  Anyone who has difficulty while trying to access Farmplicity to check out different farms and ingredients could have a network connection problem that requires help from a tech support company to fix.

Farmplicity also provides great benefit to local farmers.  Farmers no longer need to struggle to find a group of local clients, which can be a long and arduous process in many cases.  Instead, they can place listings for fruit, vegetables and meat on Farmplicity so that restaurants find them online. Any farmers who experience difficulty while trying to list their products on the site could have hardware problems interfering with their connection.  Calling a computer repair provider is the fastest way to resolve such a problem. Farmplicity also makes it less of a disaster for a local farm if a restaurant they sell to goes out of business. With this cool product, farmers can connect with new restaurants more quickly and easily by selling their produce and meat online.


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