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Dwipal Desai Founded Terrain to Create a Less App-Centric Smartphone Experience

Even with advances in recent years that allow apps in Android and Apple to run concurrently so that users can switch between them with a simple gesture the typical smartphone experience still prohibits people from true multitasking.  People can only view apps one at a time on most popular smartphones, limiting their experience. In order to check on services in real time, users must always open individual apps. Cool person in technology Dwipal Desai has founded Terrain in order to break users away from these limitations.  Terrain is a new launcher for Android devices that leads users away from a one-at-a-time paradigm for viewing apps.  Users can download and install the launcher from the Google Play Store.  Anyone who has trouble applying Terrain to his or her smartphone may need help from an Android tech support provider.

Terrain focuses on users being able to “peek” into multiple apps at once and see live updates from all of them in a constant stream.  With Terrain, users can see what’s happening in numerous apps at a given time on one screen, as opposed to having to constantly minimize and open new apps to check for updates.  Desai believes that current smartphone options have conditioned users to experience only one app at a time.  This cool person thinks that they can benefit from a different presentation if given the chance.  Terrain displays “cards” from each app a user owns, automatically displaying information from the apps to the user without having to open them.  Several different cards fit on a screen at once and users can easily scroll through them to see more instantly.  Anyone who believes the cards aren’t synchronizing with their apps properly may have a connection issue and need phone network support.

Desai has had a long history in technology.  He has worked for many different startups and founded several of his own over the years, such as the website  This cool person in technology was one of the original engineers at YouTube before Google acquired the company.  During his time at YouTube, he acted as the head of YouTube mobile, proving that Terrain isn’t this cool person’s first serious foray into the world of mobile technology.

To learn more about Desai and Terrain, go to


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