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David Bong Wants to Help the Visually Impaired Use Mobile Devices with Their Voice

One of the downsides to the gesture and touch-based UIs of today’s mobile devices is that they don’t leave many options for the disabled.  If you are visually impaired or otherwise unable to navigate device using a touchscreen, taking advantage of today’s mobile technology is a near-impossible process.  Cool person in technology David Bong doesn’t think that should have to be the case.  As CEO of Angle, Bong leads a team that’s developing smartphone applications that use voice control to give the visually impaired the ability to use mobile devices as easily and safely as everyone else.  Bong founded Angle in the hope that they could provide more options for those who have difficulty with the current options for accessing content on smartphones and tablets. 

Bong and his team at Angle’s first product is an iOS app called Earl.  Earl finds written content on the web and reads it to you out load.  This content could be from online newspapers, magazines, blogs, general websites or even eBooks.  However, not only does Earl read web content to you, but it utilizes voice control instead of a traditional interface.  You don’t have to use gestures to navigate several menus in order to access the written content you want to hear.  To use Bong and his team’s app, all you have to do is double tap anywhere on the screen to indicate that you want to give a voice command.  Then you simply tell the app what you would like to read.  If you have trouble using voice-operated technology, you can always seek tech support for help. The app does currently have some minor restrictions.  For example, Bong has not been able to find a way to unlock content behind a paywall for listening through Earl, even when a user already has a subscription to said content.  However, Bong’s company is constantly working to improve the app and give it more features.

Bong had a long career in business with years of experience in leadership positions.  Before founding Angle to develop mobile applications that work through voice, Angle founded and worked as CEO of e-learning company Avant Assessment for nearly ten years. Before that, Bong also worked as a managing director for Kroll associates for over a decade.  Bong has presumably built up a significant amount of business acumen over the years that will help keep his current company growing and releasing more apps like Earl.

Bong’s app called Earl is only available for iOS currently.  Therefore, those who have questions about using it or find difficulty with it should acquire iPhone support and iPad support services.


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