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Create Labels that Talk with Soundpaper

photo create-labels-that-talk-with-soundpaper.pngUntil recently, a product’s barcode was generally only used to find the price of an item.  With the innovation of the QR code, people were able to gain more information about an item, get direction to a website on their smartphones, and a few more helpful things.  Soundpaper takes this concept to a new level, enabling you to add sound to your product barcodes utilizing patented technology developed by Labels That Talk.  The app’s developers tout it as the world’s most advanced two-dimensional barcode.  It is not limited to companies selling a product; talking labels can transform everyday objects by adding information that a mere printed label can never convey.  Possibilities include adding audio to photos, prescription bottles, books, and anything else you can imagine would benefit from sound.

Soundpaper features mobile tech support for any iOS or Android-based mobile device as well as specially designed scanners.  A single Soundpaper label stores thirty seconds or more of instant audio.  Since the sound’s storage is directly in the barcode on the paper or label, it requires no Internet or cell phone connection, and response is instantaneous.  This way there is no network delay, no waiting for a web browser, and no dealing with dead web links.  The app also delivers sound quality that is superior to phone voice quality.  Soundpaper labels are extremely durable, and you can place them almost anywhere, even wrapped around curved surfaces.

While an Internet connection is not necessary to listen to a label, one of Soundpaper’s more unique aspects is that it provides Internet access when scanning with a cell phone to automatically route your browser to any site online. IT provides a pre-loaded image of the site in question, and users only need to keep Internet security in mind before scanning their way to various websites.

Soundpaper gives you more than just audio, with numerous additional barcode capabilities.  It allows you to embed URLs, create location or time stamps, enforce authentication via digital voice signature, create encrypted content, or add any other digitized information.  A label or barcode is easy to create and does not require a special printer.  In fact, you can print Soundpaper labels on a variety of different kinds of printers, including the simple inkjet or laser printers most people already own.

Soundpaper can address the needs of multi-billion dollar companies, or you can employ it for numerous practical uses in your home.  Whether for scrapbooking, publishing and multimedia, product labeling, aids for the visually impaired, security, education, or countless other possibilities, Soundpaper offers something unique and special.


RESCUECOM provides comprehensive computer repair and support services, including tech support for all hardware and software, business technology services, data recovery and virus removal.  RESCUECOM Certified Level-3 technicians provide immediate computer support through our patented iProtector® and SYSTEM ONE® software at the click of a button. To learn more about RESCUECOM’s products and services visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC (1-800-737-2837).

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