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Tech Support Blog is a Meaningful Social Experience

photo compassto-is-a-meaningful-social-experience.jpgWhile social networks are good, many people may want a more personalized sharing experience of all the things that really matter—not simply uploading a picture of breakfast or talking about every mundane thing, but actually sharing something of real value. is an app that, in essence, allows you to create a playlist of the daily experiences that matter to you.  It exists to give you a way to compile and post your personal “greatest hits” of favorite locations, pictures, music, and experiences all in one place, and can lead you to the things you love wherever you are at any time.  It is an app that lets you collect your personal real-life moments, connect with friends, and discover like-minded people who share similar experiences nearby.

With mobile tech support features, is a service specifically for iOS devices that allows you to create your daily experiences “playlist” and share it with your loved ones and like-minded people to let them see the world through your eyes.  In its developers’ words, its intent is to help you preserve your daily experiences and digital content and stitch them together in a way that creates meaning for you, your loved ones, and others.  You can utilize to make friends with similar passions, but it also gives you the opportunity to gather inspiration from those around you on music, designs and more.  If you want to meet someone new, you simply look through a list of people you think might inspire you, and those wondering what amenities or cool spots are nearby can just look through a list of “compasses” in their area. is intuitive and interactive, so the more time you spend using it, the more the app will learn about your likes and preferences.  With time, it will begin to recommend new and interesting people to get in touch with and others who share similar likes to you as well as people who can become your close friends, like a social matching service for your everyday life.  It is also exceedingly easy, allowing you to share anything you see with little more than the push of a button.  When you find something you want to share, you go to the “create Compass” screen, select the location for your compass, take a picture, and give your Compass a name. Even better, the active radius will show you what other exciting Compasses there are in the same area.  If you want to share a spot you love with others, the “add spot” feature allows you to do that, and you can add your own information such as a photo, where exactly one can find it, or how eco-friendly it is.  For all the benefits the app offers, you only need great computer support from a company you can trust. is about knowing what your friends are up to, the spots they enjoy, the music they like, and anything else that is meaningful to them.


RESCUECOM provides comprehensive computer repair and support services, including tech support for all hardware and software, business technology services, data recovery and virus removal.  RESCUECOM Certified Level-3 technicians provide immediate computer support through our patented iProtector® and SYSTEM ONE® software at the click of a button. To learn more about RESCUECOM’s products and services visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC (1-800-737-2837).

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