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Combine the Apps and Services You Use with Slack

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A major focus in the technological field is on creating ways to store all our valuable files in one place, integrating as many programs together as possible, and creating a single place to access what we need.  We have Cloud storage to keep all our files from a number of tech devices together, social media sites that combine games, communication, and information into a single platform online, and programs that combine as many relatable services together as they can.  Slack is an app that looks to do much the same thing, particularly for business teams.  It is a platform for team communication combining everything together, instantly searchable, and available wherever you go.  All your messages, files, and various apps or services that you use to keep your business profitable are all accessible in one place.

Slack works with the services that your team already uses, integrating with dozens of apps and programs.  Rather than constantly switching between apps, it lets you automatically pull information and activity from all of them into Slack quickly and easily.  All you do is create a channel for the projects, groups and topics that the whole team shares.  These channels include messages, files & comments, inline images & video, link summaries and integration with online services such as Twitter, Dropbox & Google Drive.  Slack features tech support so that you can always access whenever you are online, whether on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

Another thing you can do is create a chatroom for your channel with topics for different threads of a conversation, and then invite your coworkers to join via their e-mail address.  When you need to search for something that might otherwise be lost amongst many new messages, Slack searches whole conversations rather than just individual messages, so you can find what you are looking for no matter who said what or when they said it.  Slack’s developers promise that Internet security is no issue, as rooms are secure, the messages are archived and searchable, and corporations can pay for e-mail authentication for additional privacy.

Slack gives you configurable notifications for desktop and mobile devices, and you can also receive them via email to stay as informed as you want to be.  The app keeps everything perfectly in sync so you can access everything simply and swiftly between your desktop, iPhone, iPad, or Android device.  Many people use a combination of video conferencing, chat and email for communication.  With Slack, it is no longer necessary to do so, and you can perform all the tasks you need to much more efficiently.


RESCUECOM provides comprehensive computer repair and support services, including tech support for all hardware and software, business technology services, data recovery and virus removal.  RESCUECOM Certified Level-3 technicians provide immediate computer support through our patented iProtector® and SYSTEM ONE® software at the click of a button. To learn more about RESCUECOM’s products and services visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC (1-800-737-2837).

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