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Clef Uses Mobile Technology to Replace the Traditional Password

 photo Clef
The issue of whether using passwords as the primary form of security for people’s digital accounts is the best course of action is one that many people have contemplated in recent years.  Many alternative forms of security meant to replace passwords have debuted, including biometric solutions like the fingerprint sensor on Apple’s iPhone.  Clef is a cool product in technology that’s created another alternative to passwords.  With Clef, people use their mobile device or smartphone to sign in to their accounts.  People install the Clef mobile app on their device and then the app creates a unique digital signature.  The Clef app then wirelessly delivers that signature to a computer and logs people into their accounts and profiles.  Anyone who has trouble downloading the Clef app in order try out this service should seek tech support and find out if there is a connection issue with his or her smartphone.

Clef has several advantages over traditional passwords when it comes to the matter of user convenience.  Rather than having to remember numerous passwords and their countless variations, people just have to make a few taps on their mobile devices to log in to their online accounts.  There is no typing or keeping track of passwords in some sort of document.  Clef just immediately connects people with their accounts and saves them the trouble and difficulty associated with traditional passwords.

Clef is also useable as a form of second-tier authorization for websites that want added security.  People can still use the traditional password system of authentication and then utilize Clef as a way to include a new layer of security.  That way, if someone has stolen the password for a site or a smartphone with a Clef signature on it, he or she still won’t be able to access the account without the other form of authentication.  Clef users can also report a phone stolen to deactivate its digital signature in cases when it is necessary.  If someone has a problem while using two-tier authentication to log in to a site, his or her PC may have connection issues and require computer repair service.

Clef has introduced a new and interesting form of alternative security for online accounts.  This cool product could both potentially make people’s online accounts more secure and easier to access in many cases.


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