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Classkick is an Advancement in Education

Technology applied to education has shown many positive results, but there is still plenty of room for growth and improvement.  A startup called Classkick is one of many that are seeking to bring that growth and improvement in technological applications to education. Available on the web or as a mobile app, its creators claim that it can provide more individualized, real-time feedback precisely when students need it to keep everyone in a class learning together.  It also, of course, has advantages for teachers, who can use it to view exactly what students are doing and who needs help in real time so that they can provide the necessary aid and instruction.  It can serve to keep a classroom of students working together as well as allowing for faster and easier lesson planning and making the creation of more interesting and engaging assignments possible.

Classkick makes it possible for any school to use it, featuring tech support for PCs as well as for mobile devices.  While some schools give each student a tablet to use in the classroom and for schoolwork during the school year, students and teachers who do not work at or attend such a school can still use the computers provided to take advantage of Classkick.  Teachers have access to many different educational resources.  They can create paperless assignments including PDFs, images, video, audio, text, and writing they find on the web as well as educational websites themselves, or they can download pre-made assignments available for free.

Learning with Classkick is more fun and interactive for students, who can write, draw, type, upload photos, or record audio according to the lesson’s individual requirements.  It is imperative, however, for a classroom that is not utilizing mobile devices to get system recovery services immediately if a problem arises that would prevent access on school PCs in order for students to continue to take advantage of this.  Whether on PC or tablets, a teacher can put together a lesson or prepare an assignment for students to work on together in class and see everything that each individual student is doing all at once.  Students can provide answers or give feedback, and they can receive help while working silently by alerting a teacher themselves through the system with a single tap.  If a teacher wishes to allow students to help each other, he or she can allow students to see which others need assistance.  It is easy to see how Classkick can work to make classroom learning better.


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