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Class Wallet Helps Schools Manage Money

photo class-wallet-helps-schools-manage-money.jpgManaging funds is a major part of the day-to-day operations of businesses, public institutions, and non-profits alike, and schools are no exception.  It can be extremely difficult for schools to track the money coming in and out on a daily basis, for both necessary functions such as utilities and building management as well as fundraising, sports teams, and other peripherals. Fortunately, a startup called ClassWallet hopes to change this unfortunate truth.  With so many individual schools as well as entire districts cutting education budgets, properly managing money that is available is becoming even more vital.  Digital payment and management is one of the major ways that monetary transactions can improve, but there has been little focus on education up to the last few years.  What ClassWallet offers, in essence, is a digital money management platform that schools can use to more easily and thoroughly track the many incoming and outgoing payments involved in every aspect of their operation.

ClassWallet is a way for schools to truly innovate the way teachers receive and spend money for their classrooms.  With its basic tech support features, administrators and educators can access it from personal or school computers as well as mobile devices, if desired.  It digitizes every aspect of dealing with payments, relieving schools from the difficulties of dealing with cash, checks and paper, by allowing teachers to establish an online ClassWallet account.  With it, they can start from the first step, collecting and managing money, then shop for education products and keep track of spending much more effectively while they do it, all on one fully integrated platform.  Whether raising funds for supplies, collecting money for a field trip, or receiving funds from a grant or the district itself, putting the money into an appropriate account while making it accessible and traceable is no longer a problem with Class Wallet.

Class Wallet is useable by anyone involved in giving or receiving funds, including parents, and there is no need for a download to cause concern of the need for virus removal.  Ultimately, another thing it does is provide greater accountability, since parents can donate and track their donations on a main page online along with seeing where money ends up going.  This makes things much simpler and more effective than sending out forms, to which many people never respond, and attempting to keep track of all of them by constantly sending students home with reminders.  The website has easily readable separate columns for viewing incoming funds, spending them (for teachers), tracking each individual transaction and what it gained, and even a separate tab for specific projects on which funding can focus at any given time.  It is clear to see that, for parents, teachers, and administrators alike, Class Wallet is a better way for schools to manage money.



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