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Clarity CEO Dan Martell Provides On Demand Business Advice to Young Entrepreneurs

To say that starting a business for the first time is a difficult experience would be a massive understatement.  Young entrepreneurs with big ideas and dreams come onto the scene every day, but unfortunately, most of them don’t have the experience or knowledge to implement their ideas in cost effective ways.  Some people starting their own businesses have the benefit of a mentor or a dependable source of business advice when making difficult decisions.  Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.  Many entrepreneurs make key financial or strategic mistakes in the early stages of their company and it ends up costing them dearly in the end.  Cool person in technology Dan Martell believes he has a better option for these entrepreneurs. 

Martell is an experienced and successful entrepreneur who has founded a new company called Clarity.  Clarity provides young executives and visionaries on demand consultations with experienced entrepreneurs about their startups or small businesses.  Martell believes his company can give CEOs and founders advice on the most important aspects of their businesses to avoid disaster down the road, whether that advice is about how to expand a company’s staff, when to hire outside office computer support services or even when to pivot a company’s model or focus.

Martell has had both success and failure in the entrepreneurial world.  According to his personal website, he has twice founded unsuccessful businesses. He tried to grow companies named Maritime Vacation and NBHost, but could not make it work either time.  However, he turned that around and became successful with consulting and applications company Spheric Technologies.  Since then, he also successfully created the social marketing application Flowtown and sold that company to  Clearly, Martell knows the details that lead to both success and failure as an entrepreneur.  While Martell doesn’t give the advice Clarity provides himself, his experience has helped him develop an effective system for vetting and hiring entrepreneurs that can act as experts for Clarity’s clients. Anyone who has problems accessing Clarity’s experts through the website should find a remote computer support provider to assist them.

Martell’s current venture has proven to be both another success for his career as well as a way to give back to other entrepreneurs trying to help make their ideas into reality.


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