App Lets Users Read, Practice, and Share Music Anywhere

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Chromatik Brings Modern Innovation to Learning Music

photo rescuecom-computer-repair-report11_zps3pddn4dq.jpgTraditionally, there has been little technological innovation in sheet music; the greatest innovation in hundreds of years, it would seem, is the ability to view music tabs to play along to online. This is no longer the case thanks to an app called Chromatik. With Chromatik, players any instrument of any skill level can upload, make notes on, and share sheet music, and it can even help make practicing an instrument more fun and organized for kids. There is also a social component to both the site and the app with strong privacy protections that allow kids to connect with fellow students, family members, and trusted teachers.  With Chromatik, users can not only practice anytime, no matter where they are, but they can also discuss music, share recordings, get feedback, and more.

Chromatik allows you to create an account from any PC with an Internet connection, but it features tech support especially for Android and iOS to access the app. Users can then link an account created on the website to the app for use on the go. From either PC or a mobile device, you can upload your music and connect it, syncing all your charts and playlists to listen to and download whenever you want. The basics of what Chromatik offers are superior to carrying around paper sheets and setting up a music stand, allowing you to use your mobile device o view and annotate sheet music, tabs, lyrics, or lead sheets.

Upon signing up for Chromatik, your first step is to choose an instrument (or multiple instruments) from dozens of choices.  At the user dashboard, you start off with a few free sample pieces of music for the chosen instrument. You can scan and upload any sheet music right from the app, add it to your personal playlist, then click on it.  You then get a large, clear display of tabs on your phone or tablet screen, to play along to, recording if you like. Chromatik allows you to practice and develop with greater ease, using the same device to read music, record yourself, and keep notes on practices.

Since Chromatik lets users record their practices, they can email a session recorded through the app to friends and relatives. That way, they can get real analysis, suggestions, and thoughts on their progress from real people who will hopefully continue to encourage further musical development. It is important to remember, though, that the majority of the most helpful aspects of Chromatik are only available through the app, so it would be wise to keep a computer repair company that can fix mobile devices on hand should it become necessary. With that in mind, you can read, practice, and share to your heart’s content, which makes Chromatik just the thing for those who prefer tech to the hassle of old-fashioned sheet music.


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