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Captricity Helps Businesses Digitize Handwritten Data

When a company has significant amounts of handwritten data to process digitally, it can take an extraordinary amount of time and effort.  Entering data from handwritten documents into a digitized and searchable format involves a lot of tedious busywork that sucks up effort better spent on tasks that are more productive.  Cool product in technology Captricity helps businesses reduce the amount of time and effort spent on processing data in handwritten form.  Captricity users scan their handwritten documents and upload them to the Captricity platform. Then, Captricity recognizes the information in each document before automatically compiling it into a format fit for a business’s digital records.  The product breaks down the data entered into each individual text field of every document. Captricity then recompiles that data into an easily searchable report.  Users access the Captricity service online.  Anyone who uses the service but experiences difficulty while trying to upload documents might have network troubles.  In these situations, it’s best to find an online computer support provider who can assist with the issue.

Captricity claims to have 99% accuracy when converting handwritten information.  Assuming this claim holds up during heavy use, it is an impressive statistic.  Humans often make errors when entering data manually. Therefore, the difference in overall accuracy between using Captricity and doing manual data entry would likely be negligible for most businesses.

Captricity also provides records and information in a format that users can upload into popular CRM software Salesforce.  Any users that have trouble entering Captricity-produced files into their CRM software should contact a business IT support provider for help.

Captricity could be incredibly useful in numerous scenarios.  It is obvious that this cool product would be helpful for companies with a backlog of written paperwork.  However, the service could also be exceedingly useful to companies in other situations.  For example, many service providers receive handwritten feedback surveys from their customers.  These companies could use Captricity to process the information in the surveys instead of having employees enter the data manually.  In theory, any type of business that regularly receives handwritten paperwork has the potential to benefit from this cool product.


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