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Cangrade is a Better Hiring Platform

photo cangrade-is-a-better-hiring-platform.pngCangrade helps companies make better employment decisions using prediction and data analysis to better ensure more successful and productive hires.  Employers have many different tools available to test personality, competence, job-related skills, and much more.  Conversely, Cangrade utilizes its own powerful and unique screening software to measure how successful a potential hire would be.  It is more than the typical standardized aptitude test.  Its developers spent years studying hundreds of thousands of employees at hundreds of companies, exploring deeper and more complex questions to form its algorithms.  It addresses a deeper combination of ethics, personality, motivation, and fitness for particular positions while completely avoiding any bias on the part of an employer.  By doing do, hiring managers have a better evaluation tool to measure a job candidate’s qualifications using a more complete look at every important facet of his or her overall fitness.

Cangrade does almost all of the difficult work in hiring while leading the final decision in the responsible person’s hands.  Users can upload the software to any device so that if a recruiter is not at the office but currently requires laptop repair, they could access it from a smartphone or tablet.  The hiring manager posts a job opening via the platform.  A company can advertise the available job through online through social media, business social networks, and search engines, or the company can code it into its website.  Candidates then apply through the available link, and Cangrade’s software goes to work automatically organizing and grading candidates using its metrics and complex analytics.  When it is finished, it creates rankings of each resume. Then, the hiring manager can review these measurements and choose the best applicants to interview, guaranteeing that the company is only meeting recruits with the most potential for the job.

Cangrade works with employers, recruiters, resume services, online recruiting platforms and job boards, and anyone else in need of its service.  It avoids overreliance on IT, is simpler to learn and apply, utilizes a more in-depth approach, and allows recruiters to know more about a candidate than previously possible without added work.  Thus, it helps employers do more than merely collect information by focusing on how best to apply it.  There is no need for concern regarding Internet security because it can not only be used on multiple devices or secure office networks, but it is completely in the cloud so that information stored will be unaffected by hardware crashes or damage to individual devices.  Providing the most useful information available about every job applicant in a company’s network, Cangrade offers a better hiring solution for any company large or small.


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