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Cambly Makes Learning a New Language Easy

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Perhaps the most effective way to learn a language is by talking with a native speaker. Outside of a school or tutoring environment, though, it is not always easy to find or connect with one. Cambly is an app that solves this issue by creating an on-demand marketplace of native tutors for nearly a dozen languages that students can instantly connect with online or through a mobile device.  It provides a two-sided platform so that those interested in learning a new language can do so through conversational video chat with a native speaker. Thanks to the simplicity of its mobile and tablet apps, students can access personal tutors wherever and whenever with just one click.

Cambly features complete tech support so that users can access it on any device connected to the Internet, including iOS and Android mobile devices.  Students can look through the app’s list of tutors that are available at a given time, or they can sign in with a social media account or email.  Once they have signed up, the app provides a single button for instantly connecting with a language tutor.   Not only does Cambly provide the benefit of providing an unusual degree of access to tutors, but it is also affordable, charging students a very reasonable hourly fee an hour to speak with them.

Cambly offers those who act as language tutors the flexibility to make some extra money in their spare time by chatting with students.  The company pre-screens all tutors who end up on the app, but they do not need to be professional teachers.  Its developers base its service on the idea that connecting students with friendly native speakers in an informal environment is much more effective for learning a language.  Because no formal training is required, the app allows the ability to speak a language natively to be a marketable skill by providing the connection between students and teachers.

Because Cambly utilizes tutors from all over the world, it can support on-demand connections whenever and wherever students might want to connect.  Given this level of flexibility, it sees demand from students in about ninety different countries.  As an important tool that will undoubtedly take up many hours online, it is important to keep Internet security in mind at all times.

Whether for an international move, to converse with someone who is not native to your home, or simply to enrich your personal life, learning a language is a great asset.  For those who have come to realize the effectiveness of conversing in a different language with someone native to it, Cambly appears to be one of the most efficient and useful resources available.


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