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Cage Makes Project Management Easy for Artists

photo cage-makes-project-management-easy-for-artists.pngWhile the Internet has made working from a “virtual office” online fast and effective, it can have its difficulties as well.  There is a lot one can lose track of between numerous phone calls, email threads, chat sessions, and occasional face-to-face meetings.  This can be especially true of those working in the visual arts such as designers, illustrators, photographers, and the like, and Cage is an app designed specifically for these fields.   Artists must constantly be in contact with clients and now rely heavily on advanced tech devices and methods on order to do so, whether on their computers, smartphones, or other mobile devices.  Cage works to streamline the process of developing and displaying a current project on which other artists and industry professionals as well as their clients can comment, offer feedback, or approve.

Rather than merely allowing others to comment on a visual piece in its original context, Cage lets users take a suggestion or request and turn it into a task.  Instead of leaving a passive comment asking for a button to be a different color, for instance, a client can create a task with which the artist can interact when he or she has finished.  It can serve as a home network service for particular projects or groups of projects, allowing for online collaboration in a forum that allows for real-time assistance or direction with any step of any work.

With Cage, you can upload and display visual files, manage any number of tasks, organize revisions, and receive feedback as well as approvals all from one place.  This makes the entire process much easier than following massive group email threads or potentially losing comments over various web pages.  It replaces these things with a simple but much more effective interface from which anyone can view a current draft and highlight elements they would like to discuss.  From there, each individual highlighted element has its own individual thread for discussion so that everyone involved can easily keep track of and have their say in the work.

Cage is free to users and requires anyone who wants to view or especially collaborate on a project to set us an account.  It is useable and accessible from any browser on any PC or mobile tech device, so the need for laptop repair is never a hindrance to completing work as quickly as necessary.  Beyond mere collaboration, it allows users to manage, assign, and complete tasks from within the app as well as letting them send and receive work without the need to copy and paste links through email.  Many visual projects are videos, and collaboration is possible for those as well through frame-by frame feedback.  Users can not only work on current projects, but also archive past projects or even ones they are working on but must move on from to complete or refer back to in the future.  Whatever your project, Cage helps you complete it more quickly and easily without the clutter.


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