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Brandon Rodman Founded Weave to Help Dentists Communicate with Patients

Any medical professional who runs a private practice knows that communicating with patients can sometimes be a major problem.  Patients miss appointments and don’t reschedule accordingly, causing havoc for a practice’s calendar.  Cool person in technology Brandon Rodman is the CEO of a company that’s coming up with a better system to communicate with patients for one type of medical professional: dentists.  Rodman’s company Weave provides communication technology and software to dental care offices with their specific needs in mind.  Rodman designed his company’s software to address specific issues related to dental care practices and their patients.  Rodman’s software connects telephone communication, text communications and scheduling all together for one seamless experience.  Normally, dental practice office workers would have to make calls and work with scheduling and customer directory software separately. Weave combines these systems to reduce hold time for patients over the phone and streamline the process for office workers to avoid careless mistakes.  Any office interested in Weave may be better off having strong business computer services available to them to help with the transition to Rodman’s software.

Weave doesn’t just streamline and combine different aspects of managing a dental care practice’s patients.  It also increases ease of access to client data for dental workers.  Because Rodman’s product works as one interconnected system, it automatically registers when a regular patient is calling and immediately brings all that patient’s information up for whoever answers the call.  Rather than having to dig through files or ask customers questions they may not have immediate answers to, Weave gives workers instant access to patient data automatically.  This feature increases convenience for patients and dental workers simultaneously.  If a company experiences issues with client data appearing when a patient calls, they may have internal network issues and require network support.

Rodman’s background prior to becoming CEO of Weave is in sales and marketing.  This cool person spent years as the director of sales and recruiting for Star Satellite.  He also became the VP of sales operations for Stampede Marketing for several years after that.  With so much experience in marketing and sales, Rodman has the right skillset to help his company continue to achieve growth by reaching more and more offices who could benefit from Weave.

For more information on this cool person and his product, visit


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