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AnteUpdates Provides Loyalty Rewards for Casinos

photo anteupdates-provides-loyalty-rewards-for-casinos.jpgMany companies integrate loyalty rewards programs to entice customers to continue using their services or products.  While this is very common, there is an underserved market where casinos and card rooms are concerned.  RewardsForce is a company that helps businesses tackle the difficult task of creating and sustaining loyalty programs.  RewardsForce has created an app called AnteUpdates that makes it easy for any business to incorporate and track loyalty programs from mobile devices with particular emphasis on casinos and similar businesses specifically.  While the focus is on loyalty rewards and incentives programs, it also incorporates other important aspects of business.  Knowing customers, business analytics, and marketing are also keys, and the app handles all of these vital business facets from one place.

AnteUpdates, which features mobile tech support for all iOS devices, allows for a better experience for a casino customer.  It allows a floor manager or dealer to easily track players’ activity such as average bet, visit duration and buying preferences.  Thus, its benefit comes from the history and insight a floor manager can quickly gain about players. This added information allows him or her to customize a customer’s experience accurately while giving decision-making managers better insight into the financial health of the casino and their marketing efforts. AnteUpdates provides more powerful analytics and customer information in a much friendlier manner than traditional player tracking sheets or bulky loyalty terminals.  Using the app, casinos can simply utilize an iOS tablet or smartphone to increase repeat visitors and customer satisfaction.

From the app’s dashboard, you can set up rules to give your customers points based on their play. The system offers a variety of ways you can customize it to deliver points, including based on time, day, location, table, actions and events.  This way, it is flexible enough to accommodate any combination or distribution of points you choose.  AnteUpdates also makes it easy to give, record and print rewards from the dashboard, and you can use the e-comp system to deliver complementary items to customers.  Finally, the analytics allow you to track how efficiently and profitably you utilize your rewards using the app’s analytics and comps report.  You can check player profiles to see what comps, rewards, and promotions a player has earned and check their points, and these profiles have only the most basic information to avoid Internet security issues.  You can even maximize customer value with tiers and levels to better reward your most loyal customers and encourage casual visitors to become advocates.  When it comes to incentivizing the user experience, AnteUpdates is a game-changer for the casino and gaming industry.


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