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Agnitus is not a Typical Learning App

photo agnitus-is-not-a-typical-learning-app.jpgIn so many aspects of life, persistence leads to mastery. Agnitus is an app with a curriculum that utilizes this principle, providing proven techniques to help build basic skills that eventually prepare your child to learn reading, writing and arithmetic.  Agnitus encourages learning and development in children in a fun way using three main elements: skills, curriculum, and reports.  Children not only get interactive games and books that they enjoy, parents can know just how much their child has improved, in what specific areas, and what remains to continue improving.  Unlike others like it, this app will send you progress and performance reports so that you know what areas to work on with your child.  Another difference is that it not only teaches mathematics and other school subjects, but it also works to teach children important life skills such as persistence.   An age-specific learning program that grows with your child however old he or she is, it offers continued benefits for many years.

Everything Agnitus offers is interactive, and it has a library of storybooks and fairy tales for children that is more than just a story to read.  Agnitus Interactive Books brings children’s stories to life by transforming classic tales into interactive, learning experiences.  Designed specifically for touch screens, the app features mobile tech support for any iOS or Android app.  Some have words that a child must follow on the page in order to advance to the next page, and with some children can sing along to animated Mother Goose classics as they build the confidence and vocabulary needed for independent reading.

The app provides games for all kinds of interests a child may have so they can learn without realizing it is not just for fun.  Agnitus combines leading research and technology into curriculum-based, fun learning games. Children can experience and master a broad variety of skills including recognizing colors and shapes, basic counting and sorting, and peekaboo matching adventures with animals and letters. The app is helpful in preparing children from preschool to 3rd grade for entry into structured learning environments.

A main key to learning reports is that you can do it right from the app itself.  You can review your child’s Agnitus learning progress in the Skill Report by simply pressing down for three seconds while the app is open to view current updates of your child’s activities based on its smart tech assessments.  There, you can view how much time your child spent on learning activities, then compare learning using objective criteria.  Just remember the importance of computer support you can count on when it is necessary for your mobile device and always have this app at your disposal.

While there are many paid educational apps, very few of them have Agnitus’s level of depth.  This app is an excellent example of how to make kids of all ages learn and study while they enjoy at the same time.


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