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500Friends Makes Rewarding Loyalty Social

photo 500friends-makes-rewarding-loyalty-social.jpgConsumers are engaging retailers on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter in constantly growing numbers. Whether by liking a deal, tweeting the link to a product, or even participating in an online contest, shoppers are mentioning and interacting with these e-commerce sites on a daily basis. The problem with traditional online loyalty programs is that they focus on rewarding users for only their purchases. Simply gaining more exposure drives business, and the challenge for retailers is not only how to track online mentions, but also how to meaningfully reward consumers for these mentions. Enter an app called 500Friends, which offers a platform called Loyalty Plus that allows retailers to reward their customers for social actions. There are companies that help you reward customers for what they buy and manage your fan page, but little rewarding customer for loyalty beyond that. It is also necessary now to fit social into the overall picture, and it is these aspects combined that 500Friends addresses.

The app’s software allows retailers to track users who are Tweeting their purchases, liking their company Facebook page, and referring friends. It also allows merchants to reward other actions such as writing product reviews, entering sweepstakes, signing up for rewards programs, or signing up for newsletters. Each action gives the user points, which they can apply toward discounts or even put towards charity donations. Retailers can integrate the software own their own sites, and 500Friends features tech support that allows users to access it from a PC or mobile device.

The 500Friends Loyalty Plus system allows retailers to track, reward and recognize customers for anything they do on the Internet – posting status updates, writing reviews, checking-in, referring friends, or whatever else the retailer chooses to reward. What rewards users receive in return is also up to the retailer. Consumers sign into the Loyalty Plus program on a retailer’s site with their social media account information, and the retailer can then track the social activities of consumers as it relates to their brand. Users need little more than a reliable company for computer support should they require it in order to benefit from access to the app.

5ooFriends serves as a loyalty program for all a person’s digital activities. A typical loyalty program such as an airline’s frequent flyer program is effective for engaging your top customer base, but people show their loyalty in different ways. With the app, someone can make a purchase, write a review and refer a friend, and those actions can be even more valuable than the original purchase that took place.

500Friends not only helps retailers engage their best customers, but it helps them reward consumers. This system is effective in drawing large numbers of customers and helping to develop better relationships between them and the company. When consumers feels happy about a brand, especially one that saves them money, it helps business both online and offline.


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