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10,000ft Makes Projects More Efficient

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The most difficult aspects of arranging a business project can be evident right at the very beginning of the planning stages. It is important to have a strategy along with the ability to ensure the proper timing and execution in every point. The purpose behind 10,000ft is to provide a tool for managers to keep track of the many things necessary to ensure that a project remains on task. According to the app’s developers, a project manager accomplishes this through resource planning, project planning, time and expense tracking, and analytics providing detailed reports of all major elements of a venture.

The key feature of the app is organizing information that is often scattered. This includes synchronizing every detail into a user-friendly interface that everyone working on different parts of the project can always access. With 10,000ft’s project planning, a manager can make more strategic decisions based on up-to-date information. 10,000ft brings an office network support approach to management, particularly in solving the problem of certain employees being ignorant of what others are currently working on, have finished, or have yet to complete. In a dashboard that everyone can see, managers and employees add notes, a supervisor can add people to a team, and the time as well as cost is always readily available to keep everyone on task. 10,000ft makes it easier to go from research to concept to design while keeping everyone involved assessed of important details all along the way.

It is always essential for everyone to remain aware of the time and cost as well as being able to stay within the parameters set for each. 10,000ft helps a business team by informing them of how much time to give each stage with timesheets created before any actual work begins. The time and budget stay constantly updated via the innovative software, and updates are accessible via mobile device or company computer. Also helpful is the option to track time by either half days or hours and minutes. Perhaps most unique is the ability to itemize a person’s time by specific tasks like meetings or travel. The app features mobile tech support for iOS and Android, allowing employees to use the service while traveling.

10,000ft does away with the need to wait for outside financial reports or create spreadsheets. The idea is to make filtering and customization of project data fast and simple. This filtered and customized data can in turn create just as complex a report with much less work. It is easy to see why the developers would claim that this would allow you to make decisions faster and move a project forward.

The purpose of technology is to simplify our lives, and the stresses of corporate business can take their toll. 10,000ft appears to be an ideal app for the simplification of one of business’s greatest difficulties, and its potential application toward relieving workplace stress as well as optimizing all the aspects of large business projects is evident.

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