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Leif Baradoy Runs Kiind as an Untraditional Gift Card Business

There are several tech startups that aim to digitize the gift card industry, but most of them focus entirely on the consumer side of the equation.  These businesses focus heavily on convenience for those receiving the gift rather than the convenience of the giver.  Cool person in technology Leif Baradoy runs Kiind, a digital gift card startups that addresses this problem.  Kiind considers issues such as needing to issue gift cards in bulk conveniently, as well as the potential needless cost of unredeemed gift cards.  Baradoy’s company even has solutions that cater to businesses that use gift cards as a form of marketing.  Baradoy doesn’t believe that the gift card business should exclusively center on consumers’ use of the card.  His company aims to address every aspect of the gift card business rather than hyper-focus on one piece of it. 

Baradoy’s company offers a digital solution for businesses that issue gift cards in bulk, such as giving them out as prizes in contests and sweepstakes.  Kiind offers companies the chance to put on digital gift campaigns.  Kiind customers can send gift cards to hundreds of people at once. Baradoy charges companies a small fee per recipient when businesses use this feature, but that fee diminishes as the number recipients increases. Any companies that want to integrate Kiind into their IT plan will need excellent business computer services.

Kiind also has one other feature that makes Baradoy’s software highly appealing for business use.  Baradoy’s company does not charge gift card givers until a recipient actually redeems the card.  That means businesses don’t lose money if someone never redeems their gift card.  For companies that use gift cards as marketing tools, Baradoy also provides metrics so companies can see when and how customers use their gift cards. These metrics can give companies insights into the best ways to utilize gift card campaigns in the future.  For help accessing these metrics on Kiind, customers can always contact tech support.

Baradoy has served in business management positions for almost ten years.  In 2004, he was a corporate services manager for OP Advantage Inc. Since then, he has also been a manager for, the Victoria International Cycling Festival, and MetaLab.  Baradoy has also shown great dedication and discipline in his career as a professional athlete.  This cool person in technology competed as pro triathlete for two years between 2010 and 2012.  The discipline Baradoy gained from both his managerial and athletic experiences will serve him well as he leads Kiind forward into the future.


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