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JetJaw CEO Mark Salsberry Helps Businesses Handle Online Reviews

Online reviews can often be a struggle for both small businesses and larger corporations.  All it takes is for one negative review to go viral and it can heavily affect a company’s reputation.  Mark Salsberry is the CEO of JetJaw and a cool person in technology that wants to help businesses deal with the problem of online reviews.  JetJaw uses a web-based platform for customer interaction and support that can work with any business providing a service.  When a company signs up for JetJaw, Salsberry’s platform becomes the main point of interaction between customers and the business.  If someone wants to share their experience or write a review about a company’s service, they must do so through the JetJaw platform.  

How JetJaw handles the reviews is what makes Salsberry’s company such a beneficial asset to businesses.  Rather than leave all reviews public, JetJaw splits reviews into two separate categories.  The platform handles positive reviews by encouraging users to share their review online on multiple different social networks such as Facebook, Google Plus, and Yelp!  Negative reviews go straight to a business’s manager or customer service team instead.  This allows the company to handle them directly.  Unfortunately, customers that struggle with social networks will need computer support to post their positive reviews online.

It’s unsurprising that Salsberry uses cloud technology for his JetJaw service given the popularity of cloud services such as cloud tech support in the current market.  JetJaw’s cloud-based platform means that customers can access the service to leave reviews on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and traditional computers.

Salsberry knows how online reputation can affect a business thanks to his many years working in sales for several different companies.  Early on in his career, this cool person held positions at companies such as At-A-Glance and Goldbug.  However, most of Salsberry’s sales career took place at Verizon Wireless, where he rose from an inventory analyst to manager of sales operations over the course of several years.  Salsberry broke off in 2010 to found JetJaw and use his experience in sales to help other companies avoid reputation problems from online reviews.  Time will tell if he can change the nature of online reviews for a significant number of businesses.


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