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Fordela CEO Jason Deadrich Helps Companies with Professional Media Management

When professionally producing a video content such as a film or TV show, keeping that content under wraps is a must, especially with Internet piracy as rampant as it is today.  Because of this need for secrecy, many media professionals make physical copies of the video content they produce when they need to screen it for others.  They believe that sending files digitally, while more convenient, is too risky for security issues when compared to DRM encrypted DVDs.

Cool person in technology Jason Deadrich wants to provide a solution to this problem with his company Fordela.  Fordela provides media professionals and companies with a cloud-based media management system.  This system allows Fordela users to deliver professional video content through streaming in a safe manner that is as risk-free as an encrypted physical copy.  Since Fordela keeps copies of any professional media on their cloud system, users don’t have to risk sending a complete file to anyone else.  Deadrich’s company lets people stream the media they need to show to anyone through the Internet thanks to their cloud solution.  Anyone who has trouble streaming media over their network should seek network services to fix the problem.

Fordela knows that security for the streaming video it provides is essential.  That is why Deadrich makes sure his company password protects any video content that a client shares.  Fordela also emails exclusive invitations with links to the password-protected content, as opposed to using an all-purpose URL.  Internet security is important to Deadrich’s business model.  If someone manages to steal video from a client, it spells serious trouble for Fordela.

Before founding Fordela in the mid-2000s, Deadrich worked as director of Internet marketing for LucasArts.  His experience working at a major media company like LucasArts is what inspired Deadrich to found Fordela.  Deadrich and his co-workers often lamented how inconvenient the way screening video for others was and they decided to break off and find a solution for the problem.  Deadrich started work as CTO of Fordela after founding it.  In 2008, he changed positions to become President of the company.  Finally, in 2011, he became the CEO of Fordela in his third role at the company.  Having run different aspects of the company until now, Deadrich has positioned himself to help lead Fordela forward into the future.


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