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Dominic Jackman Founded Escape the City to Help Restless Professionals Escape

For many people, an office job, a five-day workweek and a typical urban environment can make for a very satisfying life.  However, cool person in tech Dominic Jackman believes there are many other professionals out there who feel unfulfilled by their current work.  That’s why he founded Escape the City, an organization dedicated to helping professionals leave standard office jobs for more exotic and adventurous opportunities.  Using a wide variety of features such as a job-posting site, an e-mail newsletter, and a social network, Jackman wants to ensure that professionals looking for something different have all the resources needed to find that opportunity.  Escape the City specifically aims to attract jobseekers who are trying to break convention.  For example, a high level IT support professional might use the site to leave a corporate position and head the IT department of a growing non-profit in Africa.  Not every job offered on the site is so exotic.  Many of the opportunities listed on Jackman’s site are merely positions at very young companies, which offer a very different culture for professionals looking to change their scenery. 

Jackman was a young urban professional working for a major corporation himself before breaking off to found Escape the City.  He worked as a senior consultant at Ernst and Young for four years before leaving in 2010.  In many ways, Jackman is a proof-of-concept for the lifestyle change his company promotes.  However, Jackman knows that not every professional has the means or desire to create their own startup.  That’s why Escape the City focuses on connecting people with adventurous opportunities offered by other companies.  Jackman’s company means to make it easier for professionals to “escape” even when they don’t have the means to break off completely on their own.

Escape the City keeps a database of both employers and specific job opportunities on its site.  Jobseekers that can’t find anything suitable to apply for right away can create a profile and “follow” specific employers that interest them until an opportunity arises.  Professionals who have trouble navigating the site can get help from a computer tech support company.


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