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Acorn Provides Reasonable Alternative for Amateur Photo Editors

Image editing is a task most of us have to do on our computers at one point or another.  We often need to fix our vacation photographs, create a flier for an event, or a myriad of other possibilities.  Unfortunately, most image editors fall into two categories: they’re either simplistic and mostly useless or expensive and overly complex.  This doesn’t have to be the case.  Gus Mueller, founder of Flying Meat Software, has developed an image editor for Mac OS X called Acorn.  Mueller designed Acorn to be accessible for those who want to make their photo editing an easier experience.

“Acorn is a lot more approachable than Photoshop, which was a design decision from day one,” Mueller told RESCUECOM, “The only goal with Acorn’s UI is to enable the customer to get things done as quickly and intuitively as possible.  Whether you’re a pro image editor or not, I think that’s something everyone wants.” Acorn offers many of the tools that more professional photo editing software does, but avoids intimidating users with a complex interface.  Users of more complicated image editors can sometimes need computer support to complete even simple tasks if they aren’t a professional.

While Acorn has evolved to be able to complete many higher-level tasks, that wasn’t the original goal for the program.  “Acorn certainly didn’t start out as a Photoshop alternative, one of the goals when making it was to have Acorn fit in with Apple’s iLife suite of apps,” Mueller explained to us, “Over the years, Acorn has become more powerful, and people have told me that they no longer need to use Photoshop because Acorn does exactly what they need.”  However, Mueller still insists that his goal isn’t to usurp the image-editing crown from Photoshop.  “If someone needs the power of Photoshop, then they should use it,” he said to us.

Acorn retails regularly for $50, though if you have an older version, an upgrade costs $30.  If you need help with Acorn or other Mac software, seek Apple computer support.


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