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February 26th, 2016 by
Developing technology is allowing faster, more effective solutions for people and businesses in every industry. To that end, a startup called WeGoLook allows users to utilize their PCs or mobile devices to make on-site inspections and other custom tasks much faster and easier to order, arrange, and complete. It provides a service that any company can fully customize to meet its particular needs. WeGoLook works with a business to create custom solutions for any number of tasks and delivers report templates to fit that task’s particular requirements. It then works with you to collect the most valuable data and customize delivery solutions by sending information and media directly to any internal system or network via its software interface. Read more »
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February 23rd, 2016 by
With growing mobile technology, there has been a major push for business to allow mobile payments, and loyalty incentives are a staple of many businesses as well. Droplet is an app that merges these things to enable mobile payment and loyalty rewards, which its creators claim helps independent businesses build better customer relationships. While there are many apps that allow for mobile payment as well as making the process swift and simple, fewer combine them with loyalty programs. There are still plenty that do, however, and where Droplet exceeds is by bringing many different and varying elements of business together, both for customers and business owners. These elements include fee-free payments, rewards, analytics, and data and communications that can simplify in-store as well as online or mobile-based interactions. Read more »
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February 15th, 2016 by
One of the best and most popular ways to learn as technology grows and the Internet continues to connect more people world wise is through online communities of industry professionals and those hoping to learn from them. Meducation is one such online community that, though based in the U.K., connects hundreds of thousands of medical students, professionals, and industry experts around the world. In fact, its developers created it to serve as the leading educational platform for medical professionals and students. It began as a way to improve access to medical education internationally. Since then, it has become one of the leading online medical education platforms of any kind, helping more than 120,000 medical students and professionals learn from the best medical professionals and resources daily. The idea behind Meducation was to create a vast medical education network by bringing medical professionals and their knowledge together into one digital space to improve the quality of medical education for everyone. Read more »

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February 10th, 2016 by
For newer college students in particular, keeping track of activities beyond the classroom can be a challenge. Becoming connected with school organizations and forming social groups can be daunting to many, and it is this difficulty that a startup called Campus Bubble exists to address. It does so by presenting students with a calendar of events and information about campus organizations, sports, dining and area nightlife options. On a very basic level, it serves as a blog site where student groups and school organizations could share information, but it ultimately goes well beyond that to unify campus information for students into a central hub. It creators designed to help students, in their own words, “search through the noise of campus life” and decide what is useful to them with the goal of improving campus connectivity, which (especially to new students) can sometimes feel disjointed and overwhelming. Read more »
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February 5th, 2016 by
One would think that the longer a computer application is in the public’s hand, the better it gets with frequent updates.
Instead, the latest survey by RESCUECOM, the industry leader in computer repair, shows that user issues with Windows 10 continue to increase rather than declining. Many probably long for the stable Windows 7 program that was the dependable workhorse.
While there seems to be little relief for consumers who have upgraded to Windows 10 too quickly, it is an issue that should calm down as users become more familiar with the Windows 10. Read more »
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February 4th, 2016 by
From payroll to the administration of employee benefits to workforce performance management, a company’s Human Resources department perform some of its most important functions. Many companies have created tools to help companies increase their productivity (and, thus, their profit), and one of these is a startup called Namely that has developed an app specifically for HR. Its developers refer to it as “the HR platform for companies serious about growth.” Rather than being dependent on multiple systems to manage many HR tasks, Namely offers an integrated platform so employees and managers only have to remember one login and take care of all their HR needs. With the app, businesses can avoid the confusion, unnecessary expenses, and general inefficiency that came with being so spread out and potentially disorganized. Read more »
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February 3rd, 2016 by
One of the major focuses of modern technology is to give people the ability to access anything they want to at any time, anywhere. This includes not only things they can find in the , but storing and accessing all the data and files on any tech device in a way that makes it all accessible quickly. Younity is one startup working to integrate and modernize file storage to allow access from every mobile tech device and PC you own. There are many companies offering a similar service, and cloud storage is one way of doing this that has existed for some time. The difference that Younity offers is that users can store and access data from any Internet-connected device without syncing files or uploads, and it offers all this without any limits to the amount of data stored. Read more »
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February 1st, 2016 by
Having a reliable Point of Sale system is a vital element of any business, but many still rely on old, bulky POS systems that can only run payments from a single register. While many are implementing mobile POS systems, including the use of tablets, these can be costly or simply not include enough features to replace an older system. Zing is a Point of Sale system that works on various devices and provides all the features of a typical POS, but with social capabilities as well. Not only that, but Zing’s creators designed it to do everything a business could ever need from one place though built-in integrations in a way even Square and similar systems cannot. Read more »