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GooseChase Offers a Break from the Ordinary

photo GooseChase goosechase-offers-a-break-from-the-ordinary.jpgTeam-building exercises are common in today’s workplace as a proven way to reduce employee stress and increase productivity in the office.  These can include anything from more involved events such as weekend retreats to simpler exercises meant to build trust and get people to know each other better.  For those who do not work in an environment such as an office surrounded by others, work can still be stressful and daily routines can be tedious. Now, there is an app called GooseChase that applies technology to both team building and as a way of keeping things interesting in everyday life.  Its creators refer to it as a way to add some entertainment to your life without having to change your entire lifestyle.  It can serve to break up a monotonous workday and build comradery amongst employees, while completing just a few challenges can make everyday life that much more fun and interesting. Read more »

Simply Appointments is Effective Schedule Management

photo simply-appointments-is-effective-schedule-management.jpgPeople have long kept logs to keep track of schedules, appointments, and other things they need to remember on a daily basis.  Thus, it is no surprise that stock calendar and notetaking apps come standard on almost every PC, tablet, and smartphone and have since the invention of each.  Businesses have scheduling needs as well, and issues such as forgetting an appointment or a customer being unable to find a time to book a meeting most often results in a loss of profit.  To counteract these concerns, an app called Simply Appointments works to help businesses avoid losing money.  It goes far beyond simply allowing you to schedule online appointments for customers of service-related companies.  In fact, its creators guarantee that by using Simply Appointments you will get more customers who will make appointments more often. Read more »

Reebee Updates a Traditional Marketing Tool

photo reebee-updates-a-traditional-marketing-tool.pngThe use of flyers is an old, but still widely used, method by businesses to draw customers in by offering incentives to customers.  While many retailers still use this traditional method, there is a way to make it better, and that is exactly what an app called Reebee hopes to do.  What can be irritating to many people is receiving bundles of papers in their mailboxes a few times every month.  While this does draw in some extra customers, many people simply throw them, though there are those who will look through them even if they do not appear to include products or services of interest to them initially.  There are those who avidly search through flyers for discounts.  Whatever category someone may fall into, Reebee looks to modernize one of the retail market’s oldest and most reliable marketing tactics. Read more »

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