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October 7th, 2015 by
It seems that the online forums and chat rooms where people could meet, anonymously or otherwise, to discuss like interests are not nearly as popular as they once were. It is nonetheless undoubtedly true that people still want to have conversations based upon like interests and seek places online to do so. However, it can be difficult to meet new people on existing networks, especially for the types of discussions people would often like to have, without the disruptions, distractions, and outside influences social media brings. This is where Meeps comes in. It is a mobile app that allows people to chat with others around the world and connect through shared interests. Read more »
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October 6th, 2015 by
It is almost impossible to understate the immense benefit of employing the latest technology in business as much as possible. It is not always easy, however, to find a solution that aids in every step of a company’s payment process and management, particularly at multiple locations. Appetize is a startup that does just that, and its creators tout it as the most flexible and powerful point of sale solution. It applies these solutions to business in three specific fields: sports and entertainment, education, and leisure. It is a complete system for every imaginable aspect of business management no matter the size of the company, though it offers solutions even for the largest and most modern ones. Read more »
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October 5th, 2015 by
Our education and careers can undergo many changes, and these changes require a great deal of consideration, particularly when they involve transitioning from high school to college or one career field to another. Even the most intelligent and focused people often have little direction in choosing or changing a career, no idea how the college admissions process worked, or even how to begin taking these new steps. There are many people offering advice and many websites offering guidance, but it is difficult to know who to trust and what to believe. Fortunately, now there is Mytonomy, a counseling service for particular major life changes developed by professionals. While privileged families have easy access to private counselors and tutors, Mytonomy works to level the playing field for those that do not. It implements technology, dramatically improving a user’s ability to get advice or work with career professionals and teachers to know what steps to take. Read more »
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October 1st, 2015 by
More and more businesses are quickly adopting the subscription model that many popular companies employ for their particular services. There is Netflix for entertainment and RESCUECOM for computer repair and tech support services, as well as companies that allow you to pay a monthly fee to use a car when you need it rather than buying one, for instance. It seems that more people are becoming increasingly comfortable with the notion of subscribing to products rather than purchasing them, and some startups and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the opportunities they have to fit the lifestyles of modern customers. The Tie Society is one such startup, utilizing the subscription model to change the way people get ties and other men’s fashion accessories. With Tie Society, users can try out ties, buy them if they like, or choose to exchange them. This gives customers instant access to a wide variety of fashions with the opportunity to choose what suits them, pass some items up, and use some for a time before trading them back. Read more »