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July 31st, 2015 by
The software itself is adaptable, and it updates as well as allowing parents to download new content. Thus, it changes and grows, allowing new interactions and preventing kids playing with it from becoming bored. Also unlike a typical stuffed animal, the face is the screen of the mobile device, meaning it changes and reacts while the body protects it from damage. On the other side, it is not merely a screen alone, meaning that children still get the comfort of having a huggable stuffed animal and all that comes with this innovative version. Read more »
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July 30th, 2015 by
Selling a car can be a long and difficult process, even with the added speed and ease of doing so online. There are plenty of websites like Craigslist where ads are highly visible that put the responsibility in your hands, but you must handle every aspect, while listings are quickly pushed down the page by every new one posted. Tred is a startup that looks to add greater ease, speed, and efficiency to the online vehicle marketplace. While people can post any information that they want about a vehicle for sale on similar sites, Tred offers verifiable information about its condition. For sellers, it takes a great deal of the responsibility of the process and does most of the work for a lower cost than one might expect. Read more »
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July 29th, 2015 by
Numerous startups seek to take advantage of the popularity of the online food ordering space. One such startup is ChowNow, an online ordering platform optimized for mobile and Facebook. It looks to provide restaurants with an easy way to offer online ordering to customers via either their social media, branded mobile apps, or their existing web site. Unlike the largest companies in the food ordering market, which offer one site where you can find local restaurants and order ChowNow allows restaurants to individually customize and brand their ordering apps. It utilizes social media as a destination for consumers to order food through the startup’s Facebook Ordering App, letting restaurants take orders directly through their Facebook page. It also lets restaurants create branded mobile apps, even offering restaurants a wireless tablet to receive orders and communicate back to the customer when it will be ready. Read more »
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July 28th, 2015 by
Choosing a new doctor is not something one should take lightly, and there are many things to consider. Many people choose a doctor based on the recommendation of family members and friends, but sometimes the options given are not available. Many patients ask their current doctor for their recommendations for other doctors frequently but are often far too busy to be able to put much thought into it, rarely having the time to find other doctors to recommend. They also may not be familiar with doctors in other practice areas. Human Practice is a startup that works to fix this issue, giving patients a better platform for choosing a new doctor. Its creators refer to it as “a social recommendations platform that helps patients find doctors through communities they trust.” In their words, it provides digital solutions to equip physicians and patients with the knowledge to find the right care provider. Read more »
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July 27th, 2015 by
Many businesses struggle with knowing how best to reach the most customers, particularly key consumers in their local area. aDealio is a marketing super-center for small and mid-sized businesses as well as national brands that want to reach local consumers. It currently offers five services to help companies with the most comprehensive approach: business listings, coupons, limited-time promotions (such as “Daily Deals”), email marketing, and loyalty programs. aDealio provides a way to send a featured promotion, announcement, offer, or coupon via email to select consumers that live or work near your business. Two key features the startup offers are daily deal offers for significant one-time discounts and everyday deals, which will offer ongoing, long-term coupons and discounts just for members. Read more »
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July 24th, 2015 by
Finding a place to rent is rarely fun, but it is worse to find out that you hate the place you rented after moving into it. With a fragmented market and hundreds of rental sites to view, finding the right rental property is a challenge, even with all of the hours spent researching. The problem is not an inability to find a place to rent, and there is a massive amount of data to sift through and plenty of places available. The dilemma is in what happens after a move, since one can very rarely view the property, instead relying on photos and video of the location made to show it in the best light possible. RentMatch looks to fix this dilemma. Looking at basic sites, one cannot find information such as how hot or cold a house is, much less whether neighbors are loud or there is constant construction nearby. RentMatch offers a community marketplace for people to review, search and list rental properties working in dozens of cities across the U.S. It provides an apartment ratings and review service to help renters avoid remorse and choose the best place to rent with more thorough information from those who have lived there. Read more »

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July 23rd, 2015 by
Statistics from the American Humane Association state that approximately third of pets will go missing in their lifetimes, and only 25 percent of those that reach a shelter will return to their original families while the majority spend the rest of their lives there. There are some solutions to this problem that have been in use for some time, such as microchipping, but a service from a startup called PetHub works to get lost pets home faster and safer than any other solution available by utilizing current and new technologies. These include QR coded ID tags, wireless technology, GPS mapping, Bluetooth services, and real-time notifications. PetHub has a verified success rate of 97%, with 25% of pets returning to their homes within 24 hours, and the difference between PetHub and similar services is that it is far more comprehensive than most. Read more »
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July 22nd, 2015 by
Statistics shows that as many as forty percent of prescriptions contain some sort of error, from improper dosing to overlooked interactions with other drugs, simply because pharmacists are unable to read a doctor’s handwriting. Many people have witnessed first-hand what could go wrong with drug interactions and poor medication management. It would surprise many to know that over 7,000 people in the U.S. die every year from delayed or misread prescriptions. ScriptPad is an app created with the goal of eliminating errors resulting from poor penmanship or the inability to distinguish between similarly named medications and building in a drug database to limit the wrong interactions. It is unbelievable to think that simple writing errors can lead to so much trouble in the Internet age, and Scriptpad looks to change that. Read more »
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July 21st, 2015 by
In the past, school fundraisers have mostly involved having students sell low-profit items that most people purchased out of a sense of obligation while the school received less than half the money raised. For a school district to raise money often involves proposing tax increases and waiting half a year for a budget to pass, which seldom does in some places. EdBacker is a startup that takes advantage of the popularity of crowdfunding and applies it specifically toward PTA group and school fundraising. In fact, its creator refers to it as “PTA made easy.” More than just raising money, it is a tool that consolidates volunteer signups and any other business a PTA performs into one platform. Not only that, it makes the fundraising aspect easier, more social, and more transparent. Read more »
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July 21st, 2015 by

RESCUECOM created the 2015 Q2 Computer Repair Report by studying and collecting the data from each service call we received this to create a list of the top ten most common problems users face on all computers and mobile devices. While there are a number of problems users frequently face, this quarter has shown a surprisingly steep growth in one area in particular. Read more »