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MoxTree Gives Moms their Own Community

photo moxtree-gives-moms-their-own-community.pngRaising children is no easy feat, and moms need connections to other likeminded moms who can offer camaraderie and advice.  Often mothers have hectic schedules, though, and do not have the time to run to a myriad of sites for all of their interests.  Many women do find themselves joining many different sites and clubs to meet all of their needs.  They may join a different club or website to join with a community of other moms centered around exercise, professional networking, or book clubs, for instance.  Simply put, MoxTree is a social network for moms.  It makes connections between moms easier and focuses not only on the parenting component, but on the entire woman.  It gives moms the tools to find other moms near them with varied interests, knowledge, experience, and compatibilities. Read more »

Use WhereNotes for Quick, Easy Note-Taking

photo use-wherenotes-for-quick-easy-note-taking.jpgMany people use their mobile devices to take photos in order to remember specific products, places, and more.  Notepads on tablets or note-taking apps on smartphones are more time-consuming, and a photo is much quicker and simpler.  Unfortunately, when returning to a location, they can find themselves scrolling through hundreds of photos in their photo gallery in order to find the one they want.   WhereNotes exists to make it easy for users to remember important photos, text, and audio, then associate those items with a specific location.  It is an app for iOS that also works on the Apple Watch, so notes are quickly accessible.  It makes remembering something and recalling it when you return easy, and its developers claim that it is like having your own private notebook at each place you visit. Read more »

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