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April 3rd, 2015 by
In so many aspects of life, persistence leads to mastery. Agnitus is an app with a curriculum that utilizes this principle, providing proven techniques to help build basic skills that eventually prepare your child to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. Agnitus encourages learning and development in children in a fun way using three main elements: skills, curriculum, and reports. Children not only get interactive games and books that they enjoy, parents can know just how much their child has improved, in what specific areas, and what remains to continue improving. Unlike others like it, this app will send you progress and performance reports so that you know what areas to work on with your child. Another difference is that it not only teaches mathematics and other school subjects, but it also works to teach children important life skills such as persistence. An age-specific learning program that grows with your child however old he or she is, it offers continued benefits for many years. Read more »

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April 2nd, 2015 by
With the rising popularity of ride-sharing apps and the increasingly competitive market for such service, it is clear that these apps, which allow for cheaper and easier vehicle sharing or carpooling, are here to stay. CabEasy is one such app with the distinction that its service is available specifically to university students, and it is more effective than others of its kind in connecting users with a community of drivers and riders that they know and trust. Also unlike these other apps, users are not using their personal vehicles. Instead, it is an effective way of getting fellow students to split the cost of a taxi when all are going to the same destination. Users can be “ride pioneers,” who post rides for other riders to join, or ride joiners, who respond to these posts. As many people can take advantage of a ride share as are able to fit in the taxi, and students can save a great deal of money by splitting the cost of the ride anywhere they want to go with the added safety of numbers. Read more »

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April 1st, 2015 by
Interning is a business method that has been in use for a long time, and it is extremely effective in benefiting both sides involved. Interns get a great deal of valuable experience, and many are often hired where they perform their internships or move on to a more fitting opportunity. Conversely, companies get help that is usually competent without having to pay the same salary as a regular worker, if any at all. Now, there is a new way to apply technology to this process for potential interns and companies in order to make the best partnerships. StudyHall is a data-driven solution that ensures businesses can hire the best students, who in turn can get jobs with the best companies. It is a talent engine that connects the best college students looking for internship opportunities with companies that are hiring. It works by using a patented algorithm that ranks the top twenty-five students from colleges and universities across the United States into categories such as hackers and social media experts. Read more »