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December 31st, 2014 by

While those searching for a new home certainly have an advantage in searching Internet listings as opposed to print listings and can view many more options much more efficiently, most websites link directly to a particular company or agent and options are still limited, while the information provided is dependent on what a company or agent chooses to give potential customers. Househappy is an app created to improve the process of searching for a new home online beyond even the improvements we have seen thus far. According to its creators, the app’s main advantages are many and make finding the house that is right for you faster and easier than ever before. Read more »
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December 30th, 2014 by

It seems that most if not all retailers that have an online presence offer coupons to their customers through email or the company website. Not only that, but separate sites exist to offer coupons through a partnership with companies. This adds up to a lot of developers putting a great deal of time and effort into creating subscription lists and uploading coupons onto these websites, blogs, and apps. Coupilia offers a solution to diminish the many hours of coupon uploading otherwise necessary. In the words of its creators, the app is an automated coupon feed for your website, blog, mobile or software apps. That automation is the key to its ability to help businesses save time and money, making for much less work overall. Read more »
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December 29th, 2014 by

Though we can communicate with more people than ever before, our communication seems to have become less personal through the Internet, making collaboration and community key to developing relationships and expressing ourselves online. Creator Republic is, in its creators’ words, a leading source of the most popular independent web videos that focuses deeply on surfacing the best video content before anyone else and connecting fans with the content creators. From posting photos and videos on the Internet to collaborating on ideas through email to communicating on social media and much more, almost anything we enjoy can be shared online. The real appeal, and one of the app’s more unique aspects, is the ability for fans to communicate with the people who create the entertainment they enjoy. Read more »
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December 26th, 2014 by

Oftentimes the most useful aspect of technology on the Internet is the ability to combine many features in a way that we could never have done before. Menuism is an app that does exactly that for food, combining menus, reviews, journals, and social networking in one place. In fact, its creators have dubbed it the “social network for people who like to eat.” They advertise Menuism as a place where you can share both where to eat and what to order. After eating out, you can rate and review the restaurant and the dish you ate as well as sharing pictures, and the key is being able to not only review where you ate but exactly what you ate to give a broader picture than most review sites allow. Read more »
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December 25th, 2014 by

The number of websites dedicated to providing users with recipes is vast, and another food recipe site would require something different to set it apart. KitchenPC is a unique app offering services not typically found on similar sites. It is not merely a recipe search engine, but it offers a distinctive collaboration feature that lets you search what its creators claim add up to hundreds of thousands of other such websites across the Internet. The real key is that it works to combine the work of several different types of websites into one so that you can view and collect recipes, create customized menus, create your own shopping list based upon your needs, and more, all in one place. It then offers a few options that are particular to the app for a more innovative way to quickly and easily create exactly what you want to eat. Read more »
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December 24th, 2014 by

There are many websites and apps dedicated to user reviews for businesses and services, and many of them indicate to potential customers whether they offer child-friendly amenities. Unfortunately, very few if any apps or products exist that offer rating services specifically to assess and inform users of how welcoming and accommodating an establishment is for children. Kidscore works by providing a collaborative database with ratings that quickly let you see how a community of parents measures how friendly a place is to children. The app’s rating system aims to help busy parents determine how kid-friendly a variety of places are using an array of criteria. Read more »
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December 23rd, 2014 by

While weddings ought to be an exciting time of celebration full of some of the best memories of those involved, but planning for one can be extremely stressful and difficult. OneWed exists as a new kind of digital media that its creators call a marriage of brilliant content with innovative software. While our media perpetuates a cycle of hype around weddings and false images of perfect ones, this image is not always true to life. There are plenty of websites dedicated to preparing and providing information for those planning weddings, but very few provide innovative technology to help in the process despite the fact that technology and social media have become integral to how we communicate, live, and plan. OneWed offers a variety of services to aid couples with their wedding plans. Read more »
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December 20th, 2014 by

When you seek to host an event, however large or small, the number of possible venues in any given city can be an exhausting list to sift through. There are numerous considerations you must make when considering where you want to meet, and the work involved with sorting out the list and choosing the perfect one can be extremely time-consuming. eVenues is what its creators call a marketplace for meeting and event space. The buying and selling of space operates in the same way as any consumer good, and there are many factors that determine what works for your particular needs and what does not. eVenues is an app that serves to sort through all the difficult legwork to help you find the right venue for your event. Read more »
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December 19th, 2014 by

With all of the websites we can visit to find deals from retailers online, there seems to be very little innovation left to make any one better than another. Patroneer is, offering an array of unique services that set is apart from typical websites offering discounted merchandise from major brands. The app’s creators call it your deal scout, and it does a few things differently than users might expect. With all of the email lists, subscription services, and websites with hundreds of pages of individual items to browse, the key with Patroneer is organization, de-cluttering, and consolidation. Read more »
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December 18th, 2014 by

While it is easy to see the work done by famous artists or to connect with large companies, smaller local artists and vendors simply do not have the resources and connections to maintain such a large public presence. ZIIBRA is an app that allows them to connect much more easily with potential customers as well as providing a platform for users to discover them more effectively and thoroughly. It is a place online to meet artisans and creators to discover their creative works. ZIIBRA lets you explore artists and makers from around the world so that, in its developers’ words, you can get closer to the people behind the art, products, and experiences you love. It lets you browse a variety of categories to satisfy a broad range of interests including music, food, handcraft, and a lot more. Read more »