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August 10th, 2014 by
Many people consider it common sense that when trying to sell anything online, providing a picture significantly increases the chances of making a sale. However, what many people don’t consider is that the type and quality of the picture is also very important when presenting items for online sale. Cool product in technology Pixc offers people and businesses an easy way to obtain photos of their merchandise that gives them the best chance of engaging online customers. First, people submit photos of their products to Pixc. The company then touches up the photos and gives them a much better, more professional look before returning the edited version to the client. Pixc commonly gives items a contrasting background to help it stand out more effectively in a photo. According to the company’s website, images using contrasting backgrounds can improve online sales up to 39%. If anyone attempts to submit a picture to Pixc but finds it won’t upload properly, that person may have Internet connection problems that require help from a tech support company. Read more »

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August 9th, 2014 by
Graduating college and entering an extremely competitive job market can be quite a scary prospect for many students currently working towards their degrees. It is often the case that recent graduates do not have the work experience necessary to make their resumes very impressive. However, these students do often have extraordinary skill sets that are not easily transferable to a list of bullet points. Cool product in technology Portfolium is finding ways to help students showcase their unique skills. Students use Portfolium to create digital portfolios that don’t just provide boring lists for HR departments to read. Instead, the digital portfolios created with this cool product show off the impressive work a student has already done. Students can upload presentations, projects, papers and other samples of their work to their online portfolios to show companies what they are capable of, even without many years working in an industry. Any students who have trouble uploading files on Portfolium may have a hardware issue and require help from a computer repair company. These interactive and informative portfolios give students an edge in the job market that they would not otherwise have coming directly out of college. Read more »

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August 8th, 2014 by
While fitness trackers and fitness-related smartphone apps are giving people more and more tools to get physically healthy on their own, many people will always be more comfortable when guided by an expert. Countless people hire personal trainers every year, but end up having to abandon the service due to lack of time and convenience. Cool product in technology Wello has a solution for people who desire the help of a health and fitness professional, but have difficulty fitting the service into their busy lives. Wello provides on-demand fitness training with a professional via a two-way video feed. People sign on to the Wello website, set up their webcam and ensure they have enough space for their chosen form of workout. Then, they simply find a trainer on the site and connect for a session at home. No traveling to the gym is necessary for people using Wello. They just need a computer and an Internet connection and they can get started whenever they want in their own bedroom or living room. This model uses technology to erase yet another barrier for people trying to make time to improve their personal fitness. Anyone who has a broken webcam will require the assistance of a computer repair professional before being able to try out Wello. Read more »

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August 7th, 2014 by
Having a written agreement is always the smart way to handle any business transaction. It protects all parties involved from problems due to miscommunications or even misdeeds. However, many people don’t write up simple contracts for smaller transactions or deals because of the extra hassle it brings. Cool person in technology Abe Geiger wants to help make the creation of simple legal contracts easy for everyone with his company, Shake. RESCUECOM had the opportunity to speak to Geiger about his company and learn more about its primary product. The Shake CEO discussed the company’s goals and philosophies with RESCUECOM as well as some details about its iPhone application. Read more »
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August 7th, 2014 by
Finding customers early in a product’s lifecycle is extremely important to a company’s long-term stability and success. Attaining the interest of potential customers is key even before a product launches. Developing hype and buzz can be essential to fueling growth for a company and allowing a product launch to be successful. Unfortunately, not every new CEO has the required skills and time to develop online marketing. Cool product in technology LaunchRock wants to help people build buzz for their businesses with a platform that allows users to easily design and post special websites for their product launches. With the LaunchRock platform, users can easily create simple web pages to help them build buzz for their company. People join LaunchRock via its website to gain access to the online platform that helps them to create a simple website quickly even without coding skills. LaunchRock gives startups more time to focus on perfecting their product and business model before their launch date. If someone struggles to connect to this cool product’s website and needs assistance with his or her Internet connection, they should find a computer repair provider. Read more »

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August 6th, 2014 by
Whether someone is at a concert, football game or any other large event, it is always very easy to lose the other people in his or her group. Trying to navigate through big crowds makes it hard to keep up with each other and groups become separated very easily at these large events. It’s even worse if people are traveling separately and need to meet up once at the venue. Calling and texting each other can only be so helpful, especially if it’s somewhere that neither party has been to before that day. Cool product in technology MeetBall has a solution that can make it easier for people to find each other and avoid getting lost among the masses. MeetBall uses the GPS technology in people’s smartphones to send out their exact location to friends or family members that are trying to find them. For example, if someone is waiting for his or her friends outside the stadium at a baseball game, that person can send his or her exact location to them using this cool product. The other parties will receive a notification with a pin on the MeetBall user’s exact location so they can then simply walk to that specific spot. Any users who have trouble with the GPS on their smartphones when using MeetBall may want to contact a tech support company to look at the problem. Read more »

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August 5th, 2014 by
Moving is a stressful enough experience in and of itself. Having to change one’s address for every online account and service only makes things worse. Altering every account a person has to fit his or her new address—not to mention switching service providers for things like electricity and Internet—takes up time that people would really rather not waste when trying to adjust mentally and emotionally to a brand new location. Cool product in technology Updater has set out to fix this problem for people moving to new regions. Updater streamlines the process of fixing the address on all of a person’s service accounts into one platform. People can use Updater to change their address with the postal service, update their online profiles and accounts with that new address and even connect to home utility and service providers in their new area. Updater even provides resources to help users update their voter registrations, driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations. People can use this cool product simply by going online and visiting the website. If someone has trouble going through the updating process on the site, it is possible that tech support will be necessary for the computers and mobile devices they are using. Read more »

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August 4th, 2014 by
Watching TV can be either very isolating or extremely social depending on how people approach it. Watching TV alone at home can make people feel cut off from the real world while watching with friends is often an engaging shared experience. Cool product in technology RelayTV wants to give viewers the opportunity to make television social whether they have company to watch with them or not. With RelayTV, users get the experience of a social network combined with the viewing experience of television. The cool product adds interactive features such as ways to message friends and follow what they are watching at any given time. Users can chat with their friends through their television while watching a popular episode of a television show or discuss the recent call by the official during an important game of football or basketball. People can even surf channels by what their friends are viewing at any given moment. With a press of a button a RelayTV customer can start watching what their friend is watching and then message them about it to discuss what’s happening. Interested users can learn more from the company’s website. Those who have connection troubles on the site should contact a computer repair service to see if the problems is with their hardware. Read more »

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August 3rd, 2014 by
Everyone wants to find unique local activities to enjoy in their free time. While one would imagine it’s easier to find cool experiences in a major city, cool activities too often get lost in the shuffle of large and condensed areas like New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Some people try to solve this problem by receiving ideas from online mailing lists, but the ideas in these email newsletters are often hit or miss. Cool product in technology Sosh wants to provide a better way for people to discover new experiences. Rather than just finding generic activities and events that may or may not interest its customers, Sosh lets users customize their recommendations using their specific interests and lifestyle details. Sosh only recommends events and experiences that fit with a person’s personal preferences, so people don’t waste time receiving suggestions in which they simply have no interest. Giving people personalized recommendations gives them a better chance to find activities and events they will want to experience in their city. Users can sign up for Sosh through the company’s website. If users have trouble connecting to the site, it’s possible they may have broken hardware and will require a computer repair to fix the malfunction. Read more »

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August 2nd, 2014 by
Mental health is a serious issue that often does not receive enough attention in society. There are countless people with psychological problems that can benefit from therapy, but do not have the means to find a psychiatrist that can help them nearby. People often live in areas that are too far away from any therapists that their insurance covers or, in some extreme cases, too far away from any professional therapists at all. Cool product in technology Breakthrough provides a potential solution to people suffering in this situation. Breakthrough provides remote therapy sessions through their website with professional therapists and psychiatrists who work at reputable practices across the country. If someone cannot find a mental health professional in his or her area that also takes his or her insurance, he or she can use Breakthrough to locate a therapist that can help him or her via online video sessions. Breakthrough allows users to search for therapists by insurance, location, and specialty area to help them find a provider that is ideal for their situation. Those who have trouble connecting to their video therapy sessions on Breakthrough might have a broken web cam that is in need of computer repair. Read more »