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August 20th, 2014 by

Coaches of sports teams at both the collegiate and professional levels have an obligation to make sure that their athletes are staying in shape and keeping up with their physical conditioning. Trying to manage a large team of young athletes and be aware of their fitness is an expansive and difficult task. Cool product in technology CoachMePlus offers coaches a way to track their athlete’s performance statistics and fitness programs all from one centralized platform. CoachMePlus is software that coaches, trainers and athletic directors can use to create individualized profiles for each of their athletes. The program keeps track of a player’s position, stats, workout routines, measurements and any special restrictions he or she has in regards to diet or exercise. Coaches can even create customized workouts to assign to specific athletes. With all the information about their players in one place, coaches can save time while tracking and managing individual athletes. Those who experience technical difficulties while installing or trying CoachMePlus may have problems with their computer hardware. If this is the case, they should find a computer repair provider to look into the issue. Read more »

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August 19th, 2014 by

RESCUECOM announces the results of the 2014 Q2 Computer Reliability Report; Samsung and Apple remain strong in the rankings and Asus rises to third place! Read more »
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August 19th, 2014 by

Grocery coupons can save people immense amounts of money when used often over a long period. However, seeking out new coupons consistently often takes too much time for many people to remain persistent at it. Cool product in technology Lozo helps people avoid the potential difficulty and hassle of couponing. People using Lozo can get online coupons tailored to their specific grocery lists quickly and easily through the service’s website. People simply go online and type their grocery lists into the web app. Once finished, users submit their grocery lists and Lozo gives them a list of online coupons matching their specific needs. Lozo splits a person’s list up into individual items and tells him or her how many coupons are available for each one. People then browse the different online coupons that suit their specific needs and redeem them accordingly. Lozo provides people both digital coupons that they can redeem on certain websites and coupons that they can print out and bring to the grocery store themselves. Anyone who experiences technical difficulties while trying to use the Lozo site to get coupons may have hardware problems interrupting his or her connection. In these cases, contacting a computer repair company is the best course of action. Read more »

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August 18th, 2014 by

The issue of whether using passwords as the primary form of security for people’s digital accounts is the best course of action is one that many people have contemplated in recent years. Many alternative forms of security meant to replace passwords have debuted, including biometric solutions like the fingerprint sensor on Apple’s iPhone. Clef is a cool product in technology that’s created another alternative to passwords. With Clef, people use their mobile device or smartphone to sign in to their accounts. People install the Clef mobile app on their device and then the app creates a unique digital signature. The Clef app then wirelessly delivers that signature to a computer and logs people into their accounts and profiles. Anyone who has trouble downloading the Clef app in order try out this service should seek tech support and find out if there is a connection issue with his or her smartphone. Read more »
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August 16th, 2014 by
Access to high quality education is constantly a hot button topic in both America and the world at large. The company behind cool product in technology Boundless wants to find new ways to help teachers and schools by providing them better educational resources. Boundless leverages a community of teachers and educational experts to provide immensely useful resources for the classroom to any teacher that needs them. The service stores all the information and resources it has in the cloud so that teachers in the community can access it whenever they need. Teachers who experience a hard drive crash and lose files downloaded from Boundless won’t necessarily need data recovery service to get them back. Teachers and experts can also upload unique resources to Boundless to share with fellow educators in order to aid them with their classroom preparations. Thanks to Boundless, educators who lack access to extensive teaching resources for whatever reason now have somewhere to go for help online. With a growing library of online resources stored in the cloud and a growing community that continually adds to that library, Boundless can be a major boon to teachers all over the world. Read more »

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August 14th, 2014 by
The most difficult catch-22 for young jobseekers to overcome is the fact that you need skills and experience to find a job, but you also need a job in order to gain skills and experience. Cool product in technology Fluency wants to help people overcome this paradox. Fluency helps people develop skills in areas they have interest and then connects them with real-world opportunities to show off those skills and gain experience. Fluency’s users can develop skills in a number of fields relevant to digital media, such as WordPress development, blog writing and social media management. The company aims to give people both the resources to learn and the opportunity to put the skills they learn to good use. With the help of the platform, people have the chance to earn employment and work opportunities they would otherwise be unable to access. Anyone who is interested in Fluency but experiences trouble connecting to the site could have hardware problems affecting his or her computer’s networking capabilities. In these situations, seeking a computer repair company is the best course of action. Read more »

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August 13th, 2014 by
Finding new ways for people to message and engage their friends with technology is a constant theme in the world of mobile tech startups. Companies like Snapchat have turned unique ideas such as ephemeral messaging into massive success stories. One cool product in technology that is innovating further in this area is Hash. Hash is a mobile app that combines several different concepts from other messaging and social media products to come up with something new. Hash takes the concept of ephemeral messaging from Snapchat, but combines it with the popular trend of short, looping videos found on social media sites like Vine and Instagram. With Hash, users can send looping videos with that have their text messages superimposed over them. Each Hash video lasts 7 seconds and deletes itself after a recipient has viewed it. By combining several popular concepts and presenting them in a new and unique way to people, this cool product wants to make multimedia messaging the norm for smartphone users. Anyone who has trouble recording videos to send to others using Hash might have an issue with his or her phone that requires tech support service to fix. Read more »

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August 13th, 2014 by
Recently, RESCUECOM highlighted new startup Portfolium in an article. Portfolium is a company that provides a special service to college students where they can build detailed digital portfolios to supplement their resumes when applying to jobs. Since the posting of the initial article, RESCUECOM has had the opportunity to speak to cool person in technology Daniel Marashlian, the current CTO of the company, about Portfolium’s current product and its future. Read more »
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August 12th, 2014 by
Companies are constantly looking for new ways to utilize mobile technology since it has become such a pervasive part of so many consumers’ lives. Finding a new hook that engages people with mobile tech can potentially be a gold mine whether someone is creating a new product or trying to market a current one. SnowShoe stamps are a cool product in technology that offer people a new and interesting way to connect their mobile technology with the physical world. SnowShoe, the company behind this cool product, has worked to find a new way for people unlock digital content with physical items. SnowShoe stamps are small pieces of plastic that users touch to the surface of a smartphone or tablet screen as they would touch an actual ink stamp to a piece of paper. The mobile device recognizes the imprint on the bottom of each stamp, which is useable as a way to unlock online or local digital content. Anyone who experiences problems with a tablet computer’s touchscreen while using a SnowShoe stamp will want to contact a computer repair company to fix it. Read more »

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August 11th, 2014 by
Whether someone wants custom framing for a piece of art or a family photo of sentimental value, getting the perfect custom frame job is often a less than ideal experience. It is very difficult to visualize how a custom framing job will look just by viewing the sample materials in a craft store or framing shop. Now, cool product in technology FrameBridge helps people order custom framing jobs online and preview their exact look on the web before choosing to buy. With FrameBridge, people can digitally preview every aspect of their custom frame online before making a purchase. Using FrameBridge to order specialized frames online also gives people a way to avoid trips to the store and simply have their custom orders delivered to their homes. Anyone who has issues while connecting to the FrameBridge website may have hardware or network issues and should contact a computer repair company to get assistance. Read more »