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PadSquad Helps Small Businesses Make Tablet-Friendly, Responsive Websites

The percentage of Internet traffic that comes from mobile users steadily increases every business quarter and every year.  People engage with the web on their phones and tablets just as much as they do through a standard desktop or laptop.  In many cases, people use their mobile devices even more than their PCs or Macs. Companies need to do as much as possible to accommodate the growing mobile marketplace if they want to advertise their products, services or content successfully.  While major corporations have the resources to develop mobile applications  for themselves and their subsidiaries, privately owned small businesses find themselves at a disadvantage in the age of mobile technology These smaller companies often don’t have the internal business computer services and resources to easily develop mobile versions of their website.  However, thanks to cool product PadSquad, these companies have another option. Read more »

Justin Kitch Created to Help Teach People Unconventional Subjects

In many editorials, news articles, and other media, writers cast the Internet as a well of knowledge for people in the modern age.  However, many people’s experiences with the web have been anything but informative or educational.  The Internet is currently a place primarily full of media consumption sites such as Netflix and Hulu, social networks focused on self-promotion and communication such as Facebook and Twitter, and ecommerce sites where people can buy whatever their heart desires and have it conveniently shipped to them.  There are cool people in technology still making companies and websites to make the Internet a destination for knowledge and education.  One of these cool people is Justin Kitch, the founder and CEO of Read more »

StowThat Creates a Sharing Economy for Storage Space

Storage can be a serious pain.  Whether it’s because someone is a college student and constantly moving back and forth between school and home, or because someone has recently moved to a smaller home in a new city on temporary basis, finding adequate storage options that are affordable and convenient is often difficult.  Storage centers often end up in remote areas due to the required space, and it is not always simple to retrieve stored material from them.  This reality is why so many people choose to have friends or relatives hold items for them if they live close by to the area.  It’s easy to pick something up stored in a garage.  Now, there is a cool product named StowThat that depends on a business model where anyone with convenient, extra storage space can rent that space to those who want to avoid traditional storage units. Read more »

Reviewsor Wants to Be the Metacritic of Consumer Electronics

Product reviews have been a staple of the Internet for a very long time, especially since Amazon popularized them as an ecommerce giant over the last decade.  Journalistic product reviews have also increased both in quantity and significance, as different technology blogs and news publications dedicate time and page space to them.  With more people having access to these types of reviews thanks to the Internet, the demand for them also increases.  This situation has led to review aggregator sites like Rotten Tomatoes, which aggregates movie reviews, and Metacritic, which aggregates reviews for forms of media.  Users frequent these review aggregator sites to get a good sense of what the public opinion is on certain media such a  movies, games, and music.  Now there is also a cool product that aggregates reviews of consumer electronics for the tech geeks who keep up with the newest devices.  This product is Reviewsor. Read more »

Avalara CEO Scott McFarlane Offers Software for Automated Sales Tax Compliance

Dealing taxes and tax law compliance is a nightmare and a headache for small businesses everywhere.  Every state and county has different sales tax regulations.  It can become even more complicated when one starts to consider issues such as tax-exempt customers.  Just as companies hire business IT support services to help with complicated computer issues, they also have to hire special consultants to deal with sales tax compliance quite often.  Cool person in technology Scott McFarlane believes that there is a better way to handle sales tax compliance when running a small business.  He founded Avalara to help companies who sell products nationally to handle tax issues without headaches or unnecessary difficulties. Read more »

RepairPal CEO Art Shaw Helps People Find Good Mechanics and Prices for Car Repair

Repair costs and quality for any type of machinery can be seriously nerve-racking.  Whether it’s computer repair, appliance repair or anything else, there is a general fear among consumers that repairs will cost too much or not last for very long once complete.

Cool person in technology Art Shaw knows this issue is especially prominent when it comes to automobile repair.  Shaw founded RepairPal to aid consumers in finding good quality car repair for fair prices.  Shaw’s company provides people with an online directory of mechanics, all with grades on quality from both RepairPal and previous customers.  Shaw wants people to use RepairPal to become more educated on care repair shops and avoid an unfortunate situation where a bad shop rips a customer off with poor work on their automobile.  In theory, by using RepairPal consumers will be able determine which shops produce excellent repair work. Read more »

Vumanity Professionalizes Talk Video Content for the Web

Many corporate executives once dismissed online video back in the early age of the Internet.  However, it has now become a viable alternative to mainstream television and media for many people.  Sites like YouTube, Hulu, DailyMotion, and others have all helped users create content viewed by thousands daily without the help of major corporations.  This shift in media has allowed many people to start producing content with only their computer and creative ideas.

One popular type of user-created content found on video sites is the talk-show format.  Many people record interviews, product and media reviews, and discussions on video sites.  Users usually post these talk shows on a regular weekly or monthly schedule similarly to television.  This emulation of the studio style talk show has managed to get many creators viewers and fans. Still, the quality of the video is lacking when compared to similar shows on television.  This difference in quality is not surprising with such high production value for TV.  The good news is that a cool product named Vumanity may be able to change that for many content creators on the web. Read more »

Kevin Dykes Helps Companies Get Repeat Business with RetentionGrid

Every salesperson knows that repeat business is invaluable when it comes to long-term revenue gains.  Creating a strong customer base with people who consistently come back to the same company for what they need forms a foundation that allows businesses to grow.  Whether the business is a restaurant, office computer repair company, plumbing service or retail shop, this principle remains the same.  Creating repeat customers is one of the most profitable things a salesperson can do for his product and company.  Cool person in technology Kevin Dykes believes he can help online businesses increase their customer retention rates with his new service RetentionGrid. Read more »

Datamolino Automates the Processing of Invoices for Businesses

Busywork is one of the biggest time wasting activities for office workers everywhere.  Mindless data entry and repetitive tasks kill office morale, overall productivity and in general are a major drain on the workplace.  Processing invoices is one such tedious task that no one looks forward to doing at any small business that provides a service to its customers.  For most people, this sort of work is a necessary evil that they put up with only because that have to, given the situation. Read more »

As CEO of PayNearMe, Danny Shader Wants People to Make Online Payments with Cash

Once of the few inconveniences of shopping online is the way in which the process limits the possible payment methods for customers.  Due to the nature of the system, customers must always pay with a credit or debit card when making any sort of payment online, whether it be a loan payment, rent, or just the purchase of a t-shirt.  This makes sense, of course, because there’s no viable way for users to pay with cash online.  At least, that was the belief until cool person in technology Danny Shader founded his new startup PayNearMe to give people the chance to pay for online items with cash.  Read more »

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