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Reinier Evers Founded to Keep Entrepreneurs Informed About Current Ideas

The culture of entrepreneurship is one that consistently breeds new ideas from startup founders and innovators meeting and exchanging concepts.  Cool person Reinier Evers has been part of this culture for a long time, but has recently decided to give back into it by founding Springwise.  Springwise is a tech blog/service hybrid that posts three new entrepreneurial concepts or prototypes on the market each day.  Springwise does not post about established companies or startups but budding concepts, the sorts of ideas that inspire entrepreneurs rather than simply report on news, trends, or people.  Whether it’s a new idea about how to connect people with services like computer repair or a way to use technology to improve bike safety, Springwise will post about them to the entrepreneurial community that it serves.   Evers’s hope is that he will promote connections internally in the entrepreneurial community and spark potential innovation. Read more »

SnapAppointments Wants to Help Businesses with Their Scheduling

Despite the ubiquity of computer and cloud-based technology, many small businesses still use phone and human record keeping as their main form of appointment tracking.  The team at SnapAppointments believes there is a better way to deal with appointments made possible through the use of technology.  With cool product SnapAppointments, businesses use an online cloud platform to book and accept appointment requests online.  This method provides a faster and more convenient method for companies to keep track of appointments with clients as well as other professionals.  Rather than having to deal with communication issues over the phone or misheard appointment times, both businesses and customers can always easily check when their appointments are online.  SnapAppointments tries to make the entire process of booking appointments easier so that companies don’t have to waste any more time with outdated booking practices or missed appointments.  However, any potential SnapAppointments clientele should make sure they have proper business computer services in place to handle the integration of this cool product. Read more »

Silvia Varela Sells Travel Experiences as Sherpandipity CEO

Traveling to most cities, especially ones with heavy tourism, often feels inauthentic.  Hotels, museums, theme parks, and other attractions often seem catered to distract or entertain and actually experiencing the authentic aspects of a place a traveler is visiting has become very difficult.

Cool person in technology Silvia Varela wants to solve this problem with her company Sherpandipity.  Sherpandipity sells personalized time with a local expert to travelers who want to avoid the typical tourist experience and truly get the best and unique aspects of a city on their trip instead.  Varela’s strategy to create this experience for Sherpandipity users is to connect them with “Sherpa’s”.  Sherpas are people in a given town, city, or general area that have lived in and experienced the place for quite some time.  Each Sherpa personally guides Varela’s customers on their trip.  Through the help of individual Sherpa’s, Varela’s clients can have unique experiences when visiting different cities or popular tourist areas.  Read more »

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