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July 31st, 2013 by
Bundled content with a pay-what-you-want pricing model has become a major Internet trend in the last few years. While the team at HumbleBundle made bundling content and selling it to consumers for whatever price they want a popular, many other sites and companies have followed suit in recent years. However, there are many content creators out there who would like to sell similar bundles as special promotions or fundraising events but do not have the resources to create a website and billing system for the purpose. That’s where cool product Bundle Dragon comes in to help anyone sell their content under a pay-what-you-want model through their online bundle marketplace. Bundle Dragon makes it easy for those who want to sell pick-your-own-price bundles by giving them easy tools to post their content and sell them online. Now, those who want to increase their content’s visibility with a special promotion or raise money for a cause by selling bundled content have an easy solution for getting their sale up and running. Content creators who want to use Bundle Dragon but need help setting up their storefront should contact tech support for assistance. Read more »

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July 28th, 2013 by
Crowdfunding via websites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter has become an Internet phenomenon. These platforms have given life to many creative projects and new products that may have otherwise never seen the light of day. However, new businesses and organizations are not the only ones who can benefit from the crowdfunding concept. The team at Smallknot has created a crowdfunding platform aimed specifically at supporting established local businesses. Smallknot takes the crowdfunding model and applies it to already successful businesses that want to expand by letting people “invest” in their favorite local mom-and-pop businesses. Smallknot is a cool product on the Internet that lets you support your favorite established businesses in ways beyond just being customer. If you have trouble providing an online payment to support a business through Smallknot, get computer support to find the root of the technical difficulty. Read more »
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July 27th, 2013 by
Crisis support and counseling can save lives. However, not everyone has support for when they are in a difficult life situation and need advice. Someone might not be comfortable speaking to someone else about their issues without anonymity. Heidi Allstop, a cool person in technology, has found a way for people who need help and life advice to get support online confidentially through her website Allstop is the CEO of Spill, the company that runs, and she has built the site in hopes that those who need help can find an easy way to access life advice and support from others even if they are uncomfortable giving up their identity. Users “spill their guts” as the site refers to it, posting descriptions of their situation and then asking advice of the larger community. Others can respond, also anonymously, giving them advice on what to do or even just emotional support based on their situation. Allstop has made sure the site has guidelines regarding users’ responses to avoid intentionally rude or offensive posts. Find computer support if you want to try the website but run into trouble posting or replying. Read more »

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July 26th, 2013 by
Video editing is a tasking process for many computers. For a reasonably smooth experience editing videos, you must have a somewhat powerful PC. Furthermore, if you want to do serious editing, professional software can cost hundreds of dollars. Vidmaker attempts to solve these problems by giving you a video editing option performed in the cloud. This cool product provides web tools that you can access from any Internet-connected device, allowing you to upload your videos and edit them right in your browser. When finished editing a project, users can post videos on social networks, e-mail them, or save them on cloud storage services like Dropbox. Vidmaker gives you powerful video editing tools that you can access through the web, so you can edit your videos even on an underpowered device. Those who have trouble accessing or using Vidmaker should contact computer support when they need help. Read more »
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July 26th, 2013 by
Employee training is a costly, time-consuming process for most businesses. Large meetings and in-person training courses take large amounts of time and effort to institute, which severely takes away from your overall productivity. Fortunately, cool person in technology Donna Wells is working to fix these problems as the CEO of Mindflash. Mindflash is a company that develops web-based tools to help companies create online and cloud solutions for employee training. Wells wants to make online training courses an accessible option for most businesses and furthermore, aims to make the process of developing online courses easy for employers. Mindflash gives employers an online platform where they can quickly create and organize several online courses and quizzes for new employees. Mindflash allows users to upload their own PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, and PDF files in order to create web courses for their employees quickly. Employees can then access these courses online whenever and wherever they want. This potentially eliminates the need for in-person training courses and could help businesses put employees through the training process faster. If your business needs help using online tools such as the ones Mindflash provides, business IT support probably has the best answers for you. Read more »

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July 25th, 2013 by
Social networking has made online communication easy, but privacy is a key issue with platforms like Twitter and Facebook. While those services have their own private messaging applications, all it takes is a small mistake like clicking on the wrong button to broadcast a private message to all your friends, business partners, and family accidentally. Then you find yourself calling tech support for help deleting the message as you try to limit the damage. Social networking companies like Facebook design their services for mass communication, but there is a cool product that is available for social network-style private communication between only two people. Avocado is a service available on Android devices, iOS devices, and the web that facilitates private communication between you and one other person. This ensures the privacy of your messages and makes sure you’ll only ever send private messages and media to the intended recipient. Read more »
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July 22nd, 2013 by
Most online shopping websites like Amazon and Overstock have a wish list feature, which allows you to save items you want to buy later in designated lists for organized shopping. However, these companies naturally limit what you can put on your wish list to items available on their websites. The problem with this is that most people do not do their online shopping at only one site, so making a list limited to a single online retailer is rather inconvenient. That’s where cool person in technology Lauren McDevitt has stepped in and created an easy-to-use web-based service to fix this problem. Lauren McDevitt is the founder and CEO of New York based company Wantworthy, which provides a service that lets users create a universal wish list with items from any online retailer they choose. Rather than inconveniently having to keep track of several lists over multiple websites, McDevitt has developed a service where people can conveniently keep track of everything they plan to buy online in one place and in an organized fashion. Read more »

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July 20th, 2013 by
EBook publishing grows significantly as an industry every year. More and more companies have begun to offer direct publishing options and eBook conversion tools for authors and publishers. However, these services, such as the popular Smashwords, focus almost entirely on standard prose eBooks. With tablets and smartphones getting better displays all the time, the industry needs similar publishing services and conversion tools for graphical publications. Cool Person in technology Micah Baldwin is filling that role with his company Graphicly.
Baldwin has built a service that handles the conversion and digital distribution for comic books, graphic novels, children’s books and even photography publications. Artists and authors simply upload their book once and Graphicly converts it into multiple distribution formats for both the web and mobile. Baldwin’s company then distributes the graphical eBook to several different online marketplaces as well, including Amazon’s Kindle bookstore, Apple’s iBooks store, and the Google Play Store. Readers who have trouble downloading books for their mobile devices on any of these marketplaces should speak to someone for mobile tech support. Read more »
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July 19th, 2013 by
Libboo Founder and CEO Chris Howard believes that the way people currently discover new books is inefficient for both readers and authors. It is incredibly difficult for an author to find an audience without spending a significant amount of money towards advertising, storefront space and paying prominent reviewers to read your book. Many independent writers and authors backed by smaller publishers simply don’t have the necessary resources for such a marketing blitz. However, Howard is a cool person in technology that believes that he’s found a solution to that problem with his online service Libboo. Read more »
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July 15th, 2013 by
Keller Rinaudo, the CEO of Romotive, is a cool person in technology that wants to put robots that improve people’s lives in every home. While you’re probably wondering if this is science fiction, it’s true that Rinaudo has already taken the first steps towards his goal with his company’s first product: Romo. Romo is a robot that has a tank-like base that contains an iPhone dock and wheels. The iPhone itself displays the robot’s face when connected. Users can control Romo through an iOS app that allows you to program its behavior. You can program Romo for basic things such as being happy to see you when it recognizes your face through the iPhone camera. However, you can also have it do more complex tasks, such as rolling away from you to prevent you from pressing snooze when the iPhone alarm goes off. If you have trouble programming Romo on your iPhone, smartphone computer support is probably a good option for you. Read more »