Leading The Charge For Renewable Energy, Carlos Coe Runs Xtreme Power!
As energy independence and the growth of renewable energy resources become more important than ever, there are very few established big businesses in the energy industry diversifying fast enough to satisfy investors and consumers. As big energy companies struggle to keep dying paradigms for energy production and corporate management alive, a new generation of leaders is emerging. Carlos Coe is one such emerging leader in the field of renewable energy.
Carlos Coe is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Xtreme Power. His training and work experience made him an ideal leader to trail blaze in the field of renewable energy. After receiving his Bachelor’s in Engineering from the Citadel, Carlos Coe was accepted to Princeton University. At that prestigious institution, Coe studied engineering at the Masters and Doctorate levels. From the moment he received his Ph.D., Carlos Coe has worked on and managed projects for some of the biggest manufacturers in the United States. He moved from BDM International (part of Ford Aerospace!) to the Whirlpool Corporation before running the refrigeration company Anthony International. In 2004, Dr. Coe left Anthony International to found Xtreme Power, well before “renewable energy” was a popular buzzword!
In founding Xtreme Power, Carlos Coe took a stand against many giants in the energy industry. Forming the company with a stated goal of innovating sustainable, renewable energy sources effectively left Coe thumbing his nose at the industry authorities. Dr. Coe formed Xtreme Power primarily as a research and development company, which was an issue for many of the myopic energy companies. The established competitors of Xtreme Power in the energy production industry frequently have (or had!) research and development departments. As a matter of corporate policy, many big energy companies would not pursue promising developments if the innovations required too much initial investment or upset those with whom they had a business relationship. By forming his own company, Carlos Coe and Xtreme Power were not beholden to those old paradigms.
And what success Coe and Xtreme Power have been having already! Just last year, Xtreme Power won a $43 million contract from Duke Energy for the Notrees Power Project near Kermit, Texas. There they are experimenting with new batteries for storing electricity derived from wind power. This important development could make wind power a vastly more reliable means of electricity generation than it has been. In addition to residential and industrial power projects in Hawaii, New Mexico, and Colorado, Coe has scored big contracts with Ford Motors for power cell generation for consumer products, like automobiles!
Ironically, Xtreme Power’s innovations so far have greatly benefited several traditional energy providers by stabilizing energy output during peak demand times as well as during emergencies. As the United States moves to more and more renewable energy sources for electricity generation, Carlos Coe and Xtreme Power are leading the way with their complete energy production systems!
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