Developing The Next Generation Of Energy Star Qualifications, Lisa P. Jackson Is An Effective EPA Administrator!
When purchasing new computer equipment, now more than ever, customers are aware of the energy consumption of their hardware. The rise in electricity costs and increased interest in environmental protection has led most consumers looking for computers and appliances to consider the energy consumption of their products before they make their final purchase. Fortunately, with computer products like computer monitors, the energy-efficient options are obvious through Energy Star certification. The Energy Star certification is a powerful visual tool for consumers that indicates a product has superior energy conservation capacity compared to other, similar, products of the same type on the market. What you might not know about Energy Star certification is that it comes from a U.S. government organization, the Environmental Protection Agency. The chief Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency is Lisa P. Jackson.
Lisa Jackson is one of the most effective activist Administrators in the history of the Environmental Protection Agency. Jackson was one of Barack Obama’s first confirmed appointees when he took office in 2009 and since she took the post, she has been tireless in promoting environmental preservation and protection. One of those efforts was to increase the EPA standards for Energy Star certification, which would require manufacturers to meet even more stringent standards for their monitors to receive the certification!
Jackson was a natural choice for Administrator of the EPA, though she had to sacrifice a promotion to Chief of Staff to the governor of New Jersey when nominated for the post. As Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Jackson would have the greatest influence over a wide range of environmental policies that had been of interest to her for the bulk of her career. Lisa Jackson attended Tulane University after working with Clean Sites in the aftermath of the Love Canal Disaster. From Tulane, she pursued her Master’s Degree in chemical engineering from Princeton University where she decided that what she truly wanted to do was save the world’s resources from environmentally irresponsible businesses.
Fresh out of college, Jackson worked for the EPA and her specialty was in the political efforts of the Administration. While she worked as both an engineer and an overseer on several important clean-up operations, Jackson made her mark at the Environmental Protection Agency by proposing important changes to how the EPA worked at disaster sites. The Agency adopted many of those proposals, so Jackson had left her mark on the EPA long before she took over as its Administrator!
Under Lisa Jackson, the Environmental Protection Agency has prioritized protecting children, the elderly and other low-income demographics. Part of the policies she has enacted and proposed involves reducing carbon dioxide emissions and protecting the quality of air and water for all citizens. Because so many technology manufacturers use processes that could potentially pollute the water and/or air, Lisa Jackson has been using the EPA to watch them more closely! With her commitment and record of environmental protection, Lisa Jackson is a great EPA Administrator!
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