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Tech Support Blog

Spare the Trip, Spoil the Computer

Simple computer problems that appear harmless can actually end up becoming serious issues that require costly or professional computer repairs. A louder than usual fan, an overheated base, random screen glitches, and strange internal noises are all easy to ignore at first, but these may be signs that your machine is on its way to requiring expert computer repair. Small changes in the way a computer acts can be the result of hardware failure or a software problem.

Viruses are one of the most common software-related problems that require computer support. In the past, computer repair service providers needed to be physically located in front of a computer to perform necessary computer repairs. Today, though, a good deal of personalized computer support occurs remotely! That means for people who can’t part with their machines for too long, computer repair experts can provide computer support by tapping into your computer from almost any location. By connecting to a computer via the Internet, computer repair experts can provide safe and secure computer support for a device as if it were in front of them.

Choosing remote computer support is a convenient option for several reasons. First, since you don’t have to physically take your machine to a computer repair shop, remote computer repair can take care of problems like virus removal and provide other kinds of computer support much faster. Remote computer support can also start fixing the problem as soon as you discover it, possibly minimizing the resulting harm. Instead of allowing a virus time to progressively wipeout your hard drive, for instance, remote computer support can nip it in the bud.

Remote computer repair is not only a solution to virus related problems. Hardware related problems can sometimes also be fixed with the remote assistance of a computer repair expert. Fan related problems are especially easy to handle over the phone or the Internet.

Alternatively, some computer support problems require the personal attention of a specialist. Laptop hardware computer repairs are often more difficult and are best handled directly by a professional. Even then, though, you can find computer support providers that come to your home or office to fix the problem in a short amount of time.

In the end, pay attention to small warning signs that can indicate more serious problems. Catching viruses or hardware problems early on, and getting the right kind of computer support can help prolong your machine’s lifespan. It’s also an easy way to reduce computer repair costs. If you’re delaying that trip to get your computer repaired because of a busy schedule, wait no longer; remote computer support is your best option.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Is your Password Guessable?

Using the same password for most or all online activities may be convenient, but it is a dangerous Internet security practice that we should all avoid. Sure, recycling passwords makes remembering them easier, but it also makes it easier for cybercriminals to steal that information. Even when you’re using a trusted network service like your home network, having weak or recurring passwords is an unnecessary threat to your Internet security.

Along with monitoring how you use public network services and keeping your anti-virus updated, consider using a different and difficult password for each of your accounts. Varying your passwords is an easy way to increase the level of your Internet security. When cybercriminals learn one of your passwords, they may try to use it to gain access to your other accounts. Using significantly different passwords can drastically limit the damage to your overall Internet security.

To check the strength of a password (or even just for fun), consider searching for a list of the worst passwords and making sure yours isn’t on it! One online list includes the 500 worst passwords of all time, and among these are: 123456, password, eric, gandalf, rainbow, barney, and butter!

Even when passwords are not as ridiculous as these (barney?), Microsoft’s Safety and Security Center suggests changing them periodically. When coming up with passwords, keep in mind that you may have to enter them while using public network services where Internet security is not very high. The Security Skeptic also offers some easy ways to create better passwords to improve your Internet security.

To test a password’s Internet security level use an online service, and keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid common words
  • Don’t use personal information such as a telephone number, address or birthday
  • Use at least eight characters, the more the merrier
  • Combine upper and lowercase characters
  • Include numbers and symbols (%4#3*1)
  • Start with a sentence and change it around (Somewhere over the rainbow/ SomeWhereOverDaR@inbow22)

If you’re worried about forgetting a password, write it down! Storing your passwords on paper isn’t necessarily a threat to your Internet security. Cybercriminals will try to target your information through your online network, not your desk. Still, keep your password in a safe place.

Prevent cybercriminals from infiltrating your Internet security, personal accounts, and network services by changing your passwords often and making them difficult. If a password is too difficult for you to remember, then it’ll certainly be difficult for a hacker or virus to figure out.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Keep it Cool, Clean and Gentle

Many websites offer computer support tips for taking care of laptops to help avoid needing laptop repairs. Along with the detailed, technical computer support practices that can greatly benefit your devices, there are a few easy tricks that can help you put off that trip to the laptop repair shop. So if you have a hard time making too many small changes to the way you use your device, here are three short and sweet habits that you might find helpful.

3 easy computer support tips:

  • Keep it cool: Overheating can be annoying to users and harmful to laptops. The most common cause of overheating is poor air circulation. This usually happens when dust and other particles accumulate on and around a laptop’s fan and plug its air vents. A good computer support practice is to clean out the vents regularly. Use specialized compressed air or consult a laptop repair specialist periodically.


Placing your device on your lap or a cushion as you lounge on the couch is a sure way to reduce air flow and overheat your laptop. Doing it once or twice won’t hurt; however, if you make a regular habit of it, don’t be surprised if you need professional laptop repairs.

  • Keep it clean: keyboards love to accumulate dirt and dust. With time, dirt under the keys can cause them to stop working properly, a problem that will eventually require laptop repair work. An easy way to prevent the accumulation of dirt is to keep food away from your device.


Many websites suggest using compressed air as a regular means of computer support, but this technique can be risky as it may push the dust further under the buttons. So when cleaning does become necessary, use a small vacuum attachment to get dirt out from in between the buttons.

  • Keep it gentle: Carry your laptop using its base and not its screen. According to Wikihow, pressure to the screen can cause long-lasting damage. It can also break or offset the hinges, which can require the attention of a laptop repair specialist.


Protect your device’s cords by loosely wrapping them around your fingers then securing them with a Velcro strip or rubber band. Never wrap a cord around its adapter because that can damage the cord’s tip and will only add to your laptop repair bill.

Remember, prevention is the best cure. Regular computer support can delay the need for laptop repairs. Perhaps the best kind of computer support is taking your laptop to a professional computer and laptop repair professional for regular maintenance and cleaning.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Watch out for Free Wi-Fi

Watch out for Free Wi-Fi

Many people find it hard to go even a few hours without an Internet connection. Shops, restaurants and a variety of other venues are adapting to this need by providing free Wi-Fi. Whether you’re at your favorite coffee shop, shopping at the grocery store, or waiting in an airport lounge, you’ll probably find that you have access to a free Wi-Fi network. If you decide to use it though, you should be aware of the dangers of using a network service without proper Internet security.

It may be tempting to quickly connect to a public network service and log into a social networking site such as facebook or check your bank account, but unless you can trust the network service provider’s Internet security, you should only do casual surfing. If you find yourself using a questionable network, avoid logging into websites and services that require you to type a username and password. Faulty Internet security leaves room for cyber thieves or hackers to infiltrate your network service and steal your private information without your knowledge.

Good Internet security practices can spare you potentially disastrous outcomes like identity theft. So when choosing a public network, always make sure you select a secure connection. If you’re at a Starbucks, for example, ask an employee to verify the name of the network service before connecting. Avoid using unsecured network services because they are easily prone to Internet security breaches.

Keeping your anti-virus software up to date and your computer’s firewall turned on are just two of the basic principles of achieving Internet security and using public networks safely. Besides, having anti-virus software does not guarantee your device’s safety; it’s merely a basic component of Internet security.

Another common Internet security problem occurs when cyber thieves record keystrokes, giving them access to your usernames and passwords. Changing your passwords periodically can help counter this kind of threat, especially if you use a public network regularly.

Even with these precautions, the strength of your Internet security can be hard to gauge, and networks that appear safe can still place your device at risk.  If you do suspect that a virus or malware has breached your Internet security, get professional help immediately.  Some viruses can seriously damage your device if they’re not caught quickly. In fact, because the average user cannot detect malware, it is essential to have a computer or network services specialist look at your system from time to time.

Always try to balance the advantages of using public network services and the potential threats to your Internet security that accompany them. What appears to be a free Wi-Fi service could end up costing you a lot in virus removal costs and privacy breaches.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Mobile Devices: Be SMART!

Everywhere you look these days there are people doing all sorts of cool things with their smartphones.  In fact, the one thing you see them doing least is actually talking on them.  They are availing themselves of the crazy number and types of apps available to them right there in the palm of their hand.  How many of those users do you suppose are worried about who has access to their personal information?  Not just the information they are exchanging with a friend at that moment, but ALL of the information their smartphone (aka Mobile Computer Device) to which their network service is connecting them?

Of course most business users are well aware of the risks associated with using mobile devices and have acted appropriately with their network services to assure that they are adequately protected.  The everyday user may not even know enough to worry about this.  Everyone who uses a smartphone requires a connection to a network service.  There are a number of ways that providers accomplish this connection to a network service, not all of which represent secure computer service.  Then there are all those apps users download, some of which are extremely cool.  Are those apps from a secure network service?  Is any information you share while using those apps protected by secure computer services?

As we all know, providers of apps and services often do not have the consumers’ best interests at heart, in fact, many prefer that we not use secure computer services.  The truth is that a virus or thief has victimized pretty much anyone who has been using a computer in any form for any length of time.  A network service who intends to stay in business over the long run will probably be a secure computer service, but a look into their records and comments from users is still a good idea.  Still, the user should not become so paranoid about suspicious providers and network services that they stop using their smartphones entirely.

Awareness is the key here.  If you are in doubt about the integrity of a particular app, do not download it until you can check it out through a reputable network service.  If you are not sure what kind of personal information your provider is sharing with whom, contact them directly and ask.  It is best to use secure computer service, especially as the use of mobile devices increases at such a rapid pace.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Analytics and BIG Marketing

So just what is “analytics” in the world of computing today?  According to the impeccable Wikipedia, “analytics is the process of obtaining an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data.  Business managers may choose to make decisions based on past experiences or rules of thumb, or there might be other qualitative aspects to decision making; but unless there are data involved in the process, it would not be considered analytics.”  Therefore, business people are using computer support to gather vital information.

Most savvy members of the business end of Internet use, marketing, and Internet security are already busily using analytics to keep their competitive edges, just one of the many reasons that intellectual property and Internet security are such hot issues.  Here is an interesting twist though.  What if a behemoth of online marketing began allowing lesser competitors to use its giant market to market their goods?  What if this behemoth even provided lots of computer support and increased Internet security for them?  How could this be good for the behemoth’s bottom line?  Analytics is the answer.

If a giant online marketer can collaborate with a lot of lesser marketers, the giant marketer can then watch these marketers much more closely without violating any Internet security protocol.  This watching is possible since sales and demographic data of the smaller marketer will be a part of the giant’s business now.  This collaboration will essentially remove any issues of Internet security and spying.  The giant is cutting out the middleman – the computer support analytics guy who used to have to chase all over cyberspace getting this same information, sometimes even violating Internet security.

At the same time, the giant is improving its upfront profile by providing access to and computer support for all of these products and services without the consumer ever having to leave the giant’s site.  In addition, at least in the short run the smaller vendors are getting a potential boost in sales based on their greater visibility, not to mention a greater sense of Internet security for their customers and for themselves.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to see this as a mutually beneficial relationship for the long run.  In the business of Internet marketing and competition, the object seems to be to always to come out on top.

That is not to say that these larger operators are merely victimizing their smaller competitors.  For right now, it seems as if both are benefitting in good ways, sharing computer support and Internet security.

Just for the sake of argument though, before a smaller competitor signs a contract with one of the “big guys,” it would be good for them to consider exactly what sort of access to information they are giving the bigger entity in exchange for their greater visibility.  How much computer support and Internet security are they gaining or losing for the sake of some perhaps temporary increased sales?


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Supposed Gender Gap in Social Networking

In an interesting blog on September 24, 2011, Sharon Machlis discusses a recent “study,” (Harris Interactive/Rebtel survey).  The study suggests that women “dominate” men at a rate of about 3 to 2 in their use of social networking.  Ms. Machlis takes issue with some of the study’s methodology, and thus its results.  From a purely pedestrian standpoint, the study seems as if it is probably close to accurate.  After all, women are indisputably more communicative than men are in general.

That is not the point here though, because this is the sort of information and data upon which crucial management, networking and marketing decisions are based Ms. Machlis suggests that the ways in which the surveyors worded and asked the questions may have skewed the results somewhat.  Many of us use, say, Facebook, as a business tool, so even though we are on it almost daily, we are not actually doing social networking.  We are using it as just another handy computer service.

A myriad of computer services and social networking options are presented to us daily.  Most of us cannot do business effectively without these services and options.  How we choose which computer services and social networking to use has little to do with gender and much more to do with what we need.  The casual computer user who wants to keep in touch with a friend or loved one probably chooses based on what the friend or loved one is using.

The serious business person who is maintaining contacts, tracking trends, marketing, and just “watching,” certainly has to be more discriminate in his or her choice of “social networking” sites to pay attention to and to use.  As stated above, the “dominance” this study claims for women may not be taking into account the number of women who use those sites mostly for business.  If we could subtract that number from the total, the user ratio might well be much closer to equal.  Of course we’re also going to have to subtract the men who use the social networking sites primarily as business tools, but if Ms. Machlis is correct, the ratio is still going to even up considerably.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Balanced Social Networking?

What’s with all the ranting and raving in the social networking scene?  Facebook, Delicious, Pinboard, Diigo, Digg?   Why can my friends not contact me directly?  Who is deciding what is “appropriate” content?  Well, of course you have to be a digital social networker to care, and you have to be pretty involved in the social networking scene to really care.  Still, the cries are in the air from users all over the social networking world.  FOUL!  You are messing with OUR sites.  But what seems to be at stake here is not the social networking sites themselves, rather the Internet security issues surrounding them.

It does seem as if the administrators of the social networking sites have become more and more controlling, and this annoys their users who essentially have no say in the changes other than to complain after the fact.  Turns out though, that many of the changes say, Facebook, has made over time and most recently, have to do with Internet security and protecting their users from exploitation and inundation by spammers.  Social networking is a wonderful thing, and we want to feel free to express ourselves and communicate openly, but unless some basic Internet security is in place, social networking will become a huge mess of exploiters and spammers.

Internet security is always an important issue, and it is, frankly, a real problem when it comes to social networking.  Meantime, here we have these FREE, wonderful sources of keeping in touch with friends and families.  It seems as if the hassle of a few well-intentioned changes is tolerable given the alternative: little or no social networking and less Internet security.

As for the competition AMONG the social networking sites?  That seems like healthy competition.  And as for the Internet security concerns coming to light through the social networking sites, again, that’s healthy stuff.  We need to know what to protect ourselves from.

Rock on, social networking!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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